Patch predictions

Orisa’s armor HP lowered to only cover 25% of the total HP. Javelin spin cooldown increased to 8 seconds.

  • my thoughts: Orisa isn’t OP, just stupidly tanky. Take away all that armor she has and give it to Reinhardt instead who needs it since he has to actually get close to get a kill.

Venture’s damage scaled back some more.

  • my thoughts: Honestly, I think they’re fine but I have been hearing how oppressive this hero has been. They’re pretty much a tank in the DPS role.

DPS passive lowered to 10% overall.

  • my thoughts: Mercy mains aren’t enjoying the game. If Mercy mains can’t heal bot on Mercy, they get sad and quit the game. If Mercy mains all quit the game, the game dies. Thank your Mercy next time.

If Orisa isn’t overpowered, a straight nerf would make her underpowered.

Orisa fortify specifically nerfed.

Dps passive goes 20% on squishies and stays 15 on tanks

Random buff somewhere not mentioned

I’m far more interested to see what tank changes they have in mind for midseason

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Orisa will be nerfed, we’ll have a hog/doom meta, and people will keep complaining since Blizzard isn’t addressing the real problem

I’m assuming:

20% dps passive. Mainly because I’ve started hearing complaints about lw tree doing too much after its buff.

Orisa cd nerf, but one that barely matters

Some power shift for venture, maybe more range on left click, less damage on drill to make it more of a clean up ability than a wombo combo.

Junkrat is going to get a buff. I can feel it.

It’ll change nothing.

Every time they’ve said they have tank changes coming it’s like nothing so I have no expectations nor any hopes

Orisa will be nerfed, we’ll have a doom/ram meta. Hog will be picked more often to start a game, but after 1-3 fights will be fully countered and switch Ram or Mauga (doom has less players that can get value compared to these 2).

Hog is good until the other team decides to counter him, then he is trash. That will not allow him to be meta.

I think they won’t nerf dps passive in this way, but instead they will add damage threshold, after which it procs. So that, some tracer won’t apply the passive across the map with her tickle spread. And mb they’ll decrease the passive’s uptime for half a second or so, so that only sustained damage will keep it up. In this regard I expect them to nerf healing across the board, because the damage passive will become useless once again. LW should be hard nerfed and stay niche.

Expect them to make the mole unplayable.

Expect them to do some slap of the wrist nerf to orisa, which won’t change anything in real.

Venture is just better reaper.
Less spread
immunity ability does dmg
movement ability does dmg
Ult has more aoe and and lasts longer AND 2 shots people

while Reaper is spinning meme

Next patch prediction: (FOR COMMEDY PURPOSES ONLY)

they just ban everyone from the game and tell the world “well we just had to ban them for being gamers”

4 weeks later Dateline investigates. Nobody playing the game. news crews come into the office finding They closed it down and call it quits. Microsoft bought the game and goes

"omg why is there stuff all over this place and none of it is even gaming stuff… and where is EVERYONE? Wait they fired the whole staff?! and Bobby left a MyPal 2 running patchwork, an Aibo dog in-charge of customer support, a speak n spell in charge of chat bans and Tomi Omni bot 2000 as the Team lead :smiley:

JUST KIDDING!!! :smiley:

(serious, its a good joke).

Patch notes:


patch predictions: microbuffing orisa hog and mauga slightly more. buffing bap brig moira lw and kiri. nerfing the dps passive. nerfing genji because why not. slightly changing doom that creates 10+ more glitches with his kit. you will now get permabanned if you leave one qp match.

  • Fixed a bug that caused some pings from D.Va to enter several 0’s into the chat.

lol well at least they solved that issue :joy:



  1. Orisa nerf is pretty solid. Will probably drop her pick rate.
  2. Venture is pretty dominant in low ranks. She needed some tuning.
  3. The dps passive needed to go back up. They’ve been buffing support healing unnecessarily over the past month. This puts us back at square one.

i agree but without a solid hog nerf and a mauga nerf well go from orisa meta to hog meta. and then mauga meta

so is rein should he be nerfed because of the metal ranks?

you’ve said it best if we nerfed support properly dps passive wouldn’t even need to exist. meaning that tank wouldnt have to deal with 20% less healing permenantly

No one’s complaining about Rein like they are Venture. Dev team tends to overreact with new character complaints recently. Hence why Illari keeps ending up in the dumpster.

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I’m good with Hog being played more. Easiest whipshot in the game and ruins every hook combo. I like playing Brig into Hog and Sig so I’m good with either.

It’s a massive orisa nerf, but they also told us the other day it was a small patch, 2 heroes being changed and dps passive. This isn’t the mid season patch, expect more changes then.