Patch notes here

I know I’m not seeing a random Bap buff in those patch notes. Surely not :skull:


He currently damages both the barrier and all the targets behind it. Now Reinhardt can just time his barrier with Ramattra’s pummel and get healed up while it breaks.

In what universe is that better than just ignoring the shield?

In the world where you have a team. Breaking rein’s shield so he can’t play the game is better than some minor chip on the rein

Still keeping S9 changes, made some annoying characters less annoying but then buffed Mauga. If it’s a positive or not hinges on Sombra and Clash changes, but for some reason I don’t trust the devs…

this is a very situational buff to ram into rein, and a general nerf to ram into rein.

on the flip side, ram takes out money bubble alone in three pummels, and with minor chip can get it done in two. he’s about to wreck monkeys ability to dive efficiently. that is the real nerf. not to rein, to monkey

Rams literally walk on reins sub half hp in form because they know they can walk him down. they can’t do that anymore. they are gonna drain all their supps resources hitting a shield

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They GUTTED Juno. Ouch.

I don’t think that those nerfs will last. She should have gotten either the heal decrease or the range decrease. Not both

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He also can no longer just run Brig down and that’s also a problem.

Blizzard did not cook with this balance patch.

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the idea behind the changes isn’t even bad. like…she does need a little more falloff. i hate playing against the support version of pharah. but that is an insane decrease… she’s going to be much harder to position with now. I feel like in a more competitive scene this change is not as problematic, but juno is going to feel much more punishable and unintuitive now.

It’s hitscanwatch, get your facts right

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I’ve killed three independent players (without Rein) with Pummel all at once.

I’ve killed Mercy/Kiriko/Lucio working with a passive barrier up Rein… probably more times than I can count. And even aggressive Rein’s who know about the piercing but still lose their supports behind him because of the piercing, same with Winston.

It’s really there as a choice from “screwed-to-screwed, but maybe I’ll kill him” to “here’s an actual strategy and coordinate with me, or we’re screwed” situation.

65 x 1.67 is about 110 damage per second piercing. That means that Rein is dead if he just sits there and takes the pummels. Since Pummel has a 11-meter piercing range, and Rein moves 50% slower backing up ( or attempting to kite) against Ram’s increased movement speed in Nemesis, there’s no way for Rein to effectively defend against it.

A 30% reduction doesn’t mean the recoil is gone, it’s still there, but you’re going to be fighting with it less to reduce the fatigue on constantly doing it and shifting to healing.

Because the barrier blocks all damage now, and it can’t be pierced to hit targets behind Rein? Additionally, against 5 seconds of pressure, that leaves only 3 seconds left for Nemesis Pummel’s area effect damage to hit your team.

It DOES give Ram some options for his Ultimate, but there are still better ways of shutting out that ultimate than just barriers. Moreover, the barrier blocking also prevents ultimate charge gains from Pummel.

Winston’s barrier right now can be pierced, so this is actually a buff to Winston, as well.

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Phara does 120 to shields per shot she breaks shield faster same as sym ram is infact not the highest shield damage in the game he also is hard countered by sym ult now as well.

My fault you right why not just remove all recoil from hitscan at this point and just give them a laser essentially what it is anyway. They need to reintroduce spread back into them.


it is a nerf against brig yes.

and only 150dps. sym does 180. Again, ram does 271. So yes it is much higher than both of those heroes in terms of raw shield break

he is quite a bit worse against sym ult. A lot of heroes kinda are so idk if that’s meaningful. Idk if ram really wants to contest a team against sym wall when the rest of his team probably can’t pierce the barrier and help get kills though so I think the play against sym wall is still to kite and wait it out (well unless you don’t have a choice like in ot)

from the team perspective, and what a good monkey is looking to accomplish with bubble, I think that this is going to be worse for monkey as a tank. bubble is going to disappear very quickly now. that means less space, more healing for whoever is in or blocked off by bubble (when it is quickly broken), a higher effective cooldown for monkey if he does decide to dive a ram, and less ability for a monkey to peel hitscans effectively if a ram is on bubble, as bubble is going down almost instantly to a smart ram.
I can see how this looks like a buff to monkey like it is to rein, but it’s not. it might be a buff to winston’s survivabilty, but bubble does a wholeeee lot more than just help winston survive. and with it going down in, if you’re lucky, a little over a second? yeah, naw

Without shield you also can’t deny as much cc which is pretty important on tanks. For example against zen you would be able to hold you shield but if your shield breaks faster that’s going to be hard. It might not be a straight nerf or buff but it is a considerable amount of shield pressure

It is fine, the scoring system makes perfect sense. The final capture point is the main objective for both teams, so that’s the one that needs to be ship shape and is getting the most attention from changes.

Just because something is getting changed doesn’t mean it wasn’t good already. Take Bap for instance, he was good already and he’s getting buffed :melting_face:

Nerfs to Juno… they love to keep hurting the support role, while the tanks continue in indestructible god mode.

100 less shield health on Rein is nothing compared to Ramattra’s changes, he’s gonna be dramatically worse against Rein now since he can’t properly pressure those teams.

Like yeah sure, the shield will go down faster, but the enemy is taking zero damage whilst that’s happening and Ramattra is taking full damage.