Patch Notes for October 21st Experimental Card w/ Video

Not a huge fan of any of these buffs. Junk and Torb buffs will shred tanks even more. McCree buff will make him counter the things he counters even harder. And the Moira change while the least offensive isn’t the change she needs and doesn’t fix the issues she has.

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ok, the mccree ult change isn’t as bad as the cynical side of me was thinking… but it’s as bad as the realistic side of me was thinking.
basically as soon as a 200hp hero hears “high” from the cowboy’s ult cue they’re already dead. in other words, 200hp heroes are realistically dead by the time they actually hear the ult cue.

Ty for the visualisations :heart:

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torb melts dive tanks even more, mccree is now undiveable, junkrat does ridiculous damage at close range. All 3 of these ensure the only usable tanks will be orisa sigma sit 10 miles back so you don’t get killed in 3 milliseconds by overpowered dps


Personally, I think McCree in the current game is in quite a strong state, I constantly switch onto him because I think he is the most consistent dps hero. He is a hitscan who has decent burst potential in most parts of the current maps, but on top of that he has a stun and 225hp which makes him a great duelist against flankers and helps fight divers.

I really don’t see why he would need the ability to roll in mid air at all, aside from the specific scenario against doom and ball (btw I think his stun more than compensates against them) it allows him to access many new high grounds or spend less time getting to them.

I honestly don’t see why deadeye needed a buff, I think its a relatively weak ultimate but the compensation is that the hero is really strong and consistent in the neutral fights.

With Torb, I think he is in a decent state at the minute, I don’t think he needs any buffs, maybe some adjustments but not straight buffs.

I don’t hate the Junkrat change, but maybe some tweaking overall.

Finally, Moira orb changes. I think adjusting it for the healing orb is a good change, I don’t think its as good for the damage orb, personally, its annoying enough to deal with without it now sticking with you even harder. But I am open to seeing the impact more closely.

Overall, I think with torb and mccree buffs you would think we are in a hard dive meta with some more anti-dive type heroes getting buffs, moira is decent against dive and the heal orb change benefits that. But the game isn’t in a state where dive is really the strongest style of play…

Having played experimental games and being a main tank player, without hyperbole, let me say this:

One of the worst things to experience as a tank player is to have a DPS not be afraid of just walking up to you and deleting you faster than you can even put them to half health (When I play shield tank, I prefer to play Orisa - her damage isn’t scary.)

I am sure a lot of main tank players will tell you all about frantic attempts to shield dance simply because burst damage just reaches bad levels, especially if it’s something like a pocketed Hanzo or McCree or a lone Reaper, Doom, or a Torb on Overload. I’m not good, but that feeling of helplessness is even worse. It feels like you can’t even do your basic job.

This patch does nothing but make Torb and Junkrat even more likely to suicide right into me, with a better chance of walking away victorious than ever.

We’ve been down this road of better and better tank busters, damage has gotten dumber and dumber since GOATS was killed, and it took more than a year to even partially revert those buffs. Some never went away - but enough tank players did that 5v5 became implemented.

It doesn’t feel good. Tanking will feel worse to me, like it did in the experimental games I played. I feel less like a hulking engine of death and more like a meat pinata than ever. I love the game, but something has to give.


but like
A: Its not exaggerated

B: We waited 2+ months for this, and I understand attacking people isnt cool…but we need to make our vocies heard so the balance team can change (Not like change the people, but their ways and methods of balancing, because it clearly isnt working)

  1. It is. It 100% is. I hate this experimental aside from the Moira changes yet I can acknowledge that people saying “fire x member of the dev team” and merely complaining about “incompetence” or “disconnect” aren’t contributing to the conversation on “why is this experimental not good?”
    I can understand people’s frustration but if you can’t present your points in a nice way then you shouldn’t be contributing because your opinion won’t be considered amongst the disdain.

There shouldn’t be a ”but”
Attacking people based on bad balance patches doesn’t have a justification. Being mad does the exact opposite of making your voice heard.


it does when its been like this for years

Quite the contrary

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Question to Community Managers, why do the Devs play favorites? Mcree just keeps getting love after love, but the second off meta heroes became meta they instantly get the nerf back to F tier town. It really breeds negatively among the community when certain heroes are shown so much favoritism by the developers.


It just stinks of immaturity when people talk like that. Stinks of never having had to make something themselves that’s actually of value to someone else.

Imagine this lot when Thomas Edison was inventing the light bulb.

“1,000 failed experiments and all you did was make a light last for 14.5 hours??? CoNSIStenT iNcOmpetENTce. FIrE tHe DevS! Arrggh!”

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So here are my thoughts on the ExC balance changes:


Is imo at the sweet spot of balance right now.
Overload and his alt fire are both very strong against Tanks, so buffing both of them at the same time might end up making him too oppressive against them.
If you want to make Torb more aggressive that’s perfectly fine, but then Overload shouldn’t increase his defensive so much as well.


I always saw him having a rather mediocre ult as a drawback for his otherwise very solid kit.
Sure, it isn’t great if it is used as a glorified reload, but at least in my opinion this already got fixed with former Deadeye buffs.
The Combat Role change is a really weird one, since it buffs him against heroes he is already considered to be strong against.
If he used his Flash that should create a window of opportunity for Doom and Ball to take him out (and I am saying this as a notorious Doom and Ball hater).
Also McCree is a pretty strong pick right now, so seeing him getting buffs without compensation nerfs doesn’t feel right.


I actually like this one.
Seems perfectly reasonable to me.


This change makes him even worse against long range DPS of all kinds and punishes people with good movement prediction and long range precision and adding falloff to a projectile quite honestly seems kind of weird at least in Overwatch.
I totally get that you are trying to make him feel less random, but this doesn’t feel like the right direction to me.
Also this is again a change that is potentially very oppressive for the Tank Role.

wait a sec…i knew mccree shoots from right to left during his ult…i didnt know that it also charges from left to right at a different rate?? (the hog on left clearly gets skull icon first)

If you look above the heads, each Roadhog has different amounts of health. The skull appears when Deadeye has charged up enough damage to eliminate the target, so low-health targets have the skull pop up sooner.

Did they make this video just because this is the most hated experimental patch to date, or have they always made these videos and I’ve just literally never seen one before now?

oh ok…that was definitely something i had never heard of if it wasnt

wyoming? he hasnt always made them…but i know hes been doing them for most of (if not all) them over the past year or so

Mkay, just curious. I watch a ton of OW content while I work during the day so I was surprised that I’d never seen a video in this format before, and I was wondering why it was suddenly made - but if it’s been happening a while then it’s not that lol.

Looks like Wyoming put more effort into the video than they did on the balance changes themselves to me.

I try to make these videos whenever I can. Sometimes I’m not able to do I’m just because I’m too busy with other things whenever an experimental card appears. Primary purpose of making these videos this to help focus the discussion for these experimental changes and provide better constructive feedback to the development team.

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Well they’re very well made so you clearly have talent as a video editor.

Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but Junkrat only being able to do max damage at close range while not receiving any buffs to his survivability needs to be addressed if they intend on sticking with those changes.

I, as a Junkrat main, do not like the new changes though.

I think the thought process is described there: they want him to be able to negate displacement a bit with a cd ability.

Not sure why they’re touching deadeye, I’m kinda fine with it being a death sentence and very situational.