Patch notes are up

I have half a mind to guess that it’ll be bugged to not update the value lmao


Expect we aren’t. Its a net nerf to doom ult charge and his own support ult economy. Should of reverted the stun from the previous patch but no we got this


that bloody huge

net nerf

okay buff

huge buff

even bigger buff

ya hes broken



nerfed the wrong thing

bad nerf

we will have to see but buff

ya lets just add more healing

finaly after 7 years

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no Ana nerfs = terrible season


That’s the original reason as to why it broke beam in the first place. Because transformation doesn’t update beam value so it disconnected so Mercy player would have to attach it again and get updated value…

That’s also why near end of valk after a fight Mercy would start healing lowest hp target to abuse 60hp/s heals outside of ultimate.

And yes, I am quite sure it won’t update beams and make her even more clunky since now you would need to manualy switch beam to blue and back to yellow to get full value anyway, but it will be something you would need to remember…

Uhm, I wouldn’t jump the gun so fast here… It is “finally after 7 years” if and only if they also got rid of the bug that prevented Mercy from updating beam values after transformations…

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at least its a step thats finally in the game so they will need ot fix it

Knowing Blizzard?

No they won’t fix it… They made her more clunky and leave it at that (assuming that it is not repaired already, but a fact that they didn’t say anything about it in the patch notes doesn’t give me much hope)

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From the karq video it looks like it disconnects for half a second and automatically reconnects after the valk animation is over

Blue beam does not disconnect at all tho

your not wrong theirs a genji bug thats back after 3 years and they still havent fixed it afted 6 months then just look at doom

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So bug is still there (Mercy can abuse 60hp/s outside of valk for a brief moment), but they solved an issue of her being clunky with automatic reattachment of the beam after transformation.
I guess this will work. If that’s the case then this is a good change for her.

Now they need to address all the GA bugs :sweat_smile:

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They seriously reduced junkerqueen’a spread before reverting Dva’s back.

This is a bad patch for Dva players

Dva players are not cooking!


If you campaign hard enough to get D.mon added, they’ll revert it.

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  • No changes whatsoever.

Developer Comments: Ana is completely fine, don’t worry about it.


well they are mercy mains so

Four hour timeout for leaving 6 out of 20 games. They are getting serious about leavers. About time.

Speaking of karq video virus now does like 200 damage through bap window LOL

apparently it was a bug that’s funny

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Ooo, they’re experimenting with reducing the intangibility aspect of Suzu and compensating by improving the healing of it, as well as speeding up her post-its. Interesting!

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fun going to suffer in push and flash back fill