Patch Impression: "Wrong Sojourn Nerf, No Hog Nerf"

Pretty much that. The Sojourn nerfs don’t really change the main reason she’s a problem in high ELO.

And… Hog is just gonna say how he is for the next MONTH?


Most the patch notes were it’s decent or good.
Just those two kinda stood out as “What the heck?”

If it were me, I’d drop Sojourn railgun to like 150 damage on Crit.
And then drop Hog health to 600, with a 300selfheal.


Exactly - they seem unwilling to get rid of the crit on her railgun which is the real problem. Either that or they have to make it take so long to charge it’s not being fired every 3 seconds - maybe make it take 6 seconds to match soldier’s helix. Even then it would still be a problem 1-shotting when she has so much other damage output.


Did you expect anything else from the current balance team??

I hate to say it but Overwatch has always been like this, Geoff Goodman might be gone but it looks like Alec Dawson is cut from the exact same clothe.


I think Slide and Slow nerfs are rather nice actually.

Not sure if they’re enough to take her down from meta defining but here we go.

Yes actually…

I don’t know why they keep messing up “Fix the big thing first”.

They keep messing up… EVERYTHING.


TBH, it’s honestly dumb to change things, that don’t address the problem.

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Nah, most the patch notes were it’s decent or good.
Just those two kinda stood out as “What the heck?”

I’m going to enjoy hog actually being playable for the next month. Then I guess it’s back to how he was in mid-2017 where I basically pretend he doesn’t exist if/until they realize what a horrible mistake they’ve made.

I 100% think her mobility and zoning are a problem.

Sojourn has a full, all around OP kit.


Really that’s an unpopular opinion and a half.

I hate the most recent patch, basically all streamers hate the most recent patch. The most recent patch was so bad that they are releasing a hot-fix for it literally a week after it was released.

Patches have been slow and bad.

So Ashe with extra steps…

They want her railgun to still feel unique, unlike what they did with the other “old” half of the cast.

Every ability of her kit was problematic.

The slow effect gone now was the right choice, might nerf her slide even more. Also, her primary damage buff should get reverted.

They said Hog nerf next next patch, no more 1 shots then a hard rework.
I agree with the Sojourn as they completely ignored the main problem.

As long as she has her railgun damage she’s basically going to be “widowmaker with bonus abilities”.

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I think what they have been doing is mostly fine. The problem is mostly what they aren’t doing.

i.e. Not enough changes, and not fast enough.

And that probably won’t be for another 3-4 weeks…

Every single change except for the ones to Sojourn and Tracer were an indirect Hog nerf. Sometimes you do not have to directly target a hero in order to nerf them. They buffed what was strong against Hog and nerfed Suzu which helps him.

That’s why I’ve thought from the beginning that her primary fire is way too good. Considering that she had the railgun as an instant kill shot, when I first played Sojourn in the beta (even when she wasn’t very good), I thought, “Wait, wait. So she can play as either Soldier OR Widowmaker?”. I felt even then that she needs to be good at one or the other.

I like her being a headshot-intensive character, so I’d rather they keep her railgun crit. What I’d like to see them change is the base damage on her primary. They either need to change its fire rate, so that she can still pump damage into Tanks but make it harder to get kills on squishies, or they need to nerf the base damage on the primary so that she can’t farm Tanks for rail charge.

Either way, since her railgun charge is damage based, that would reduce the amount of railguns she gets in one fight. The charge required for Ult should probably be slightly reduced so that she can still get it every other team fight, but even that would need to be looked at very carefully.

her slide should be 10sec honestly.