Pasture Name Card

I just read the most recent Community Artist Q&A (linked here) and discovered there were two name cards created for the OWL Playoff perks: Pulse Pistol and Pasture. The vast majority of people watching OWL for the perks only know of the Pulse Pistol name card. There is no other talk of the pasture name card or way to earn it. Is this a perk only for people who attend the grand finals live? Or at the last minute was this name card pulled out? Perhaps they’re saving it for another event to giveaway and it was leaked by accident. I really don’t know, any insight or opinions are welcome!

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Yes. The Pastures name card as well as the “New Fans” spray are both exclusive to people who attended the OWL finals in-person. You could not get them by watching it on YouTube.

The Pulse Pistol name card is for those who watched it on YouTube.

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how do I receive the name card, I already watched 20+ hours of owl playoffs. (u can tell from my name I really want it)

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the pulse pistol name card was for watching the grand finals for one hour on youtube, the pasture namecard is for attending the grand finals inperson.

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I watched till the Ramattra reveal, do I automatically receive it??

You will get everything on nov.15 or sometime after.

Wait how do i get the pulse pistol one?

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I have watched almost the entire grand finals stream and have not received it yet. Is there some kind of delay that I don’t know of?

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I went to the finals event, got my skins, but no pastures name card

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The Pastures card was only available in Nov4 if you went to the Finals in person. If you had the OWL app you should’ve checked in for your rewards or scan QR codes to get the rewards. Hope this helped.

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i did all that lol, claimed it in app, blizzard sucks

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Did they announce that this pastures thing was going to be a reward ahead of time because I don’t remem hearing about this