Partition to recolour Mercy Dragoon

Just wondering If we can partition to change the colour of the new Mercy skin. The Green just does not jell with it. I like the skin and the eye colour but that is honestly it. A Dragoon is a slayer class normally and I think making it a dark grey with purple highlights or even A black and Red would make it look so much better. I’m sorry It just does not look right in green to any degree. I like the skin but the colour is just not right.


I don’t really see the problem with it being green

Just because the typical color isn’t used doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.


*petition lol come on now


Just pick a color that goes well with green, maybe purple or orange, and give it a little some details here and there.

I think they should make a alternative color, like the Lunar new year Mei skin. I love the green one, it’s her first green skin >.<


the green is ok, I think personally it would look even better than it already does, if it was changed to like a dark blue or purple. or even a deep red.


Agreed how about a light and dark variant?

They changed hanzo’s casual skin, so they might change this one too

It would look cool, far as it’s not the same color as her previous skins, I want a different and dark color.

100 percent agree with you. I like the blue and purple idea as she would look like a dark sorcerers.


Why not just change the tone of Green?

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How many topics for a simple recoloring :roll_eyes: … which by the way is not a tragedy the emerald green.

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I fixed the spelling mistakes (edited the qoute) :).

Quick! Someone post Beyoncé’s Song!

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PLEASE don’t get rid of the green, make her have the same skin but in another colour like mei’s lunar skins.
changing the colour of the skin would upset people who actually like the skin so making it 2 skins instead is the ONLY fair way.


i think the helmet is actually cool. we have so many skins where you can see her full face, even on Valkyrie and Segrun. I feel like it’s about time we get a skin that changes that up a bit. SO many other hero’s get skins that will go from not having their face covered to having parts covered if not all the way covered and we don’t see complaining about that. So why for mercy. She looks absolutely BA with that mask, and i think the skin design team did a great job.

I think it looks fun green. I know everyone (myself included) were hoping for a dark FF Dragoon but I think it’s with how it is.

… I’m gonna start a petition to “megathread” these Mercy Skin threads soon.

I find it to be a capricious solution. In the past there have been many skins that weren’t 100% good, but that didn’t make it a tragedy. I find the forum situation exaggerated today.