Participation in Voice chat should be mandatory

Nope. Sorry. Maybe if people learned to respect others and not be toxic then a lot more people would use voice and/or chat. I stopped it awhile back and made things a lot better (well besides the many other issues comp mode has) without hearing people yelling at each other, telling people what they need to do, ripping on people, being complete a-holes, etc.

You want people all on voice then make your own comp team and put in the options must have voice chat. But until people can learn to be civilized to each other in a video game or I join a group that requires voice, I won’t turn it back on and should never be mandatory.


If it’s to triggering for you, maybe don’t play ranked?

Maybe you don’t play ranked instead of trying to change it.


The game doesnt even require that the player have a microphone, so…


No. You can’t expect six random people to work together all the time. Plus I usually leave voice chat the moment people start to get tilted and toxic, because I really don’t want to listen to four people yell at each other about who’s fault it is.


I’ve been saying this pretty much since Competitive began.

Most recently here:

You can easily mute the toxic players. They likely wouldn’t have anything of value to say anyway if they’re being toxic. But don’t disadvantage those on your team who want to win by not joining voice chat at all.

Uhuh…yeah cuase that’s going to solve more problems than it will make…

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The day this happens is the day I learn to play OW muted. Well, at least we have subtitles now.

Voice chat is: 90% toxic people who only talk to rage at the team comp, another player, off meta picks, or how they’re getting absolutely outplayed and blame the healers and tanks for their screw ups. 10% is people who use voice chat in a positive way.


I mean then how do you explain all the top500 games you see on twitch where literally nobody joins chat.

How do you explain people who are deaf climbing to top500.

How do you explain players who don’t understand english playing on US servers and climbing to top500. And vice versa joining other regions.

I mean just look at euro servers half the time nobody can understand each other.

Half the time people talking in chat are saying completely useless information. The other half of the time they are incorrect or flaming. Maybe 5% of what somebody has to say can actually help you win a game.

I play way better with chat muted, it’s just a huge distraction. I can barely hear footsteps in the game as it is much less with someone whining about the last fight and what somebody did wrong.

So glad i can mute chat. :heart:


Are you really telling that top500 games got no voice? where did you pull that from, i never in 3 years saw a top 500 game with a silent voice, its just not there. Match quality drops with a lack of proper communication. Also ever considered that if just 1 guy is deaf that doesnt mean the rest isnt as 5 in voice and shotcalls, reacts and spots stuff going on. Yeez

Ever heard of Violet?

If the concept is too difficult to grasp. Imagine this. Pick any top500 streamer. Dump them into another region like Asia, where they have no idea what anyone is saying.

Do you think they will be unable to play in top500 because of lack of comms?

If comms is integral as Op says, then they must get a lot worse.

There is two sides. VC can be beneficial, but it can also be detrimental. More often than not it’s the latter. That’s reality.

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Nope. The only reason I can enjoy this game anymore is because i’ve disabled comms. Interacting with this community is one of the most awful gaming experiences i’ve ever had.

No one in silver/gold knows what they’re talking about anyway. Communication makes us play worse, not better.

Maybe if you’re a GM or a pro, but us normies? Nah. Hard pass.


Even in master+, voice chat is not as necessary as people think it is. I’ve had VC permamuted since season 10, and I made it to 4155 peak.


The worst mistakes i’ve ever made, gameplay wise, were when i reacted to something someone screamed in comms. Exclusively.

We all suck, but we all suck least at our own characters. What you want to see is not always what is possible

No. Voice chat isn’t a requirement. For example; Violet - the OT Brigitte player who is consistently in top 10 doesn’t join voice chat at all.

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Look, I really enjoy being in voice chat and I win games more often when everyone else in my team is also in vc, but I understand that there are a lot of reasons that people are not in it.

Couple of Common Reasons:

  • Social Anxiety.
  • Playing a low coordination, high concentration character where useful calls for other people are distracting.
  • Being deaf
  • Being able to concentrate better with music.
  • Having sound issues
  • That time your cat breaks your headset because you are not petting it enough
  • Knowing that you are likely to get a lot of abusive chat thrown at you for race, gender, age or hero picks.

Another one of these threads? Lol this would never happen it’s too unrealistic and blizzard would get so much crap if they ever did it plus the fact that it’s just a bad idea

If it’s to triggering to you for people not to use it maybe you shouldn’t play comp.

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No thanks. It got old always having to mute 2-3 people almost every map. I shouldn’t have to keep doing it that often. Leaving it off and not hearing the toxicity has been awesome.

No it’S not. It is actually bad if people haven’t developed a sane game sense. Too many people out their that do not hear or observe what happens next to them or around cause they are overwhelmed by voice chat or have the game sound even too low.

Except in the top ranks voice is 80% of the time just stupid useless distraction.