PachiMarchi is back with a new game mode and challenges!

Thank you! Its one of the better events. Quite unbalanced, but its arcade anyway. The new profile icons are also extremely adorable ^^

Its just 3v3 Team Deathmatch Kill Confirmed. Love the 40,000XP challenge though. If you’re using Hanamura as a Deathmatch map for this mode for 3v3, why not use the whole map for 8 player Deathmatch?

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Can we get an actual new mode? I’m so sick of waiting for new content just to be given old skins with a deathmatch/team deathmatch mode. Olympus, Cupid, and this are all the same concept. It’s not new or exciting. I miss old events actually being interesting. Archives, Lucioball, even the dreaded Mei’s snowball and yeti hunter modes were more interesting. You guys even had the creative Halloween mode for OW2 that was repetitive, but at least more fun than these recent events. Are you guys planning to do more than TDM/DM in the future or is this all we have to look forward to? At least you lowered the threshold for challenges from the Olympus mode, but I wish that these events didn’t feel so lazy and monotonous and were actually fun instead of just a grind to never touch again after completing.


I wonder if they will ever run out of new deathmatch variations as new game modes

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I enjoy bringing back prior skins that many have said would not happen!

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You’re missing the forest for the trees here.

Another deathmatch.

Devs are really on low effort mode.


I’m just gonna take a nap instead

Just when you think they can’t make a worse game mode.

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I don’t play on console but I think this would be an fantastic idea for a game that’s mainly balanced for PC. Especially now when the entry price for a gaming PC are so high because of the GPU prices, having the option to play OW on M&K with a console in PC lobbies would be a fantastic option.


I hope these events aren’t indicative of the effort that is going into PvE and the end product.

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I’m really happy that this fantasic skin is back a third time for people who still didn’t have the chance to get it but wouldn’t it be great if players who already have the skin could get credits as compensation? I know Fortnite gives compensation if you already own an item


Why is blizzard so obsessed with deathmatch for events? Battle for Olympus, Bounty Hunter, Hanzo’s deathmatch, and now this. I don’t understand… Please Blizzard…


There is nothing new or challenging about this event.


i queued up for this expecting it to be a roadhog only crane game using his chain hook
i ended up in a sweaty deathmatch

im so disappointed you didnt try to make a new game, you just slapped a patchi coin on a standard team deathmatch


I wonder if they notice they’re getting Ratio’d on every single event?

Like sure… it’s the forums. But it AIN’T tho… like youtube is getting bombed, their tweets get smashed.

The player base is speaking guys, I dunno if you’re allowed to do anything about it but you’re not going to be able to say this is surprising.

So I’m noticing they put a substantial chunk of XP on that reward… which I’m kinda thinking THEY think that’s enough. But if you don’t buy the BP it’s just another giant finger since it’s worthless for one thing and it’s not like the people who get the pachimari skin DON’T get the XP.


not even hulk likes this post


This would have excited me a lot in Overwatch 1, but not now…

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Yes please!! I was part of the in-house play test and the friends and family alpha for OW1 and have been playing ever since. I’m starting to feel like the veteran players are an after thought :thinking::tired_face:
Can we be rewarded for our player longevity and loyalty.
Also, being the proud donator and owner of the “Pink Mercy” skin, when using it, I feel like I have something special. How long before you take that away from us??:sob:


Anyone else only received 40000 for that skin unlock challenge? In the blog post here it says 80000 so I was just wondering if there is something I missed? Cheers

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