OW's sad stories

A Mercy slowly falling into the abyss...
spamming "Help! Help!"
waiting for a chivalrous knight to save her... but no one cares.
All that selfless devotion was in vain....

Any other heartbreaking stories?


I hacked a healthpack my Rein at 50 HP was walking towards but he walked away the moment that skull showed up over the healthpack. He then died.

Okay hold on, I can come up with something more intriguingā€¦

The moment you die is the moment you die.
But HOW you die, that says the most about you.

While others donā€™t go down without a fight, others get canceled and hatecrimed.
Itā€™s Nepalā€™s Sanctum, the last round. Both teams have scored one point and have occupied the point onto 75%, itā€™s overtime and the fight to end all fights.
The supports have enough of sending the rest of the team to die into the trenches, yet they have no other choice.

A bronze D.va booped a Lucio into the void, but he saved his butt on the last second by riding the wall. The D.Va, agonized by his survival, went for a suicide attack, but it only lowered Lucioā€™s height. When he was halfway up, a cowboy flashed a teammate standing at the ledge and it for some reason hit him, being 10 meters further down below. That teammates corpse later fell down on him, but it faded through because OW logics.

When the enemies got 95%, he does the unthinkable and gets up, boops an overconfident smurf Roadhog down and contests the point. That Roadhog malds in chat while the hero of the story contests together with another bronze D.Va, who wanted to fly over the void but forgot that her boosters just went into cooldown.
An enemy is now touching the point as well, itā€™s the Mercy. she calls the rest of her team in while she stalls alone and dies for it by being booped into the void and being forgotten. A rock then crashes unto Lucio, sending him down again. The same thing happens again.

His team is dead, dismembered by a confused bronze Ana landing a clutch nade.
When Lucio comes up and sees his dead allies, a Mei solo ults him. He tries to get away frantically, seeing the void as an escape. However, just before he got to ride the wall, he froze because a pixel of his heel was inside the freezing AOE, sending him down while frozen.

A last flimmer of his hope evaporates as heā€™s hooked upwards only to be rocked and then to be slept.



Hey man, if my bad positioning or timing causes me to fall to my death, no one can save me. I feel no pain and no pity and no remorse for that Mercy falling to her death. She can pay the price like the rest of us. The cost is death. Goodbye, Mercy. :smiling_imp:

Sad but satisfying villain creation story.

The Genji and Doomfist continuosly got hooked by the mercy boosted Roadhog to be massacred in one shot. After their third deaths they saidā€¦ ā€œenough is enoughā€¦ we must call her. The tank buster, the dark Elsa, the ameizing scientistā€¦ Meiā€. The rest of the match is just a story of endless suffering mercilessly returned to the hog. An ice wall to separate them from their loved ones, continuous freezing to make them suffer in shivering temperatures, and a team of six aiming for the head to put them out of their miseryā€¦ This is the story of Mei the Tank Destroyer - the cold blooded killer.

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Youā€™re very evil!

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Mercy crying for help as she descends to the abyss in Oasis university
I run up to the edge to save her
Sheā€™s looking at someone else.
I call out to her
She still doesnt notice me
She dies

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Sounds like a happy story to me.
Bullying Hogs is always a good deed.

I kept logging in and playing several days per week hoping a patch with content might come.

Once upon a time someone switched to sombra.
The end.


Overwatch 2 is so much better for the hack changes alone.

Had a couple of sombras the past few days that would do nothing but target me for hacks.

Itā€™s a lot of fun not being able to play the game lol

A symmetra flanksā€¦ proceeds to take damage and turns to her tele to escapeā€¦ but itā€™s already been destroyed :frowning:

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This actually made me laugh :joy:

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As she descends into the abyss where her fate will be sealedā€¦
a compassionate enemy Roadhog hooks her out of that well.
With warm embrace, the Mercy hugs her for that lift.
But his team was not so thrilled,
For he was throwing.
Reported he shall go,
Sent to deathā€™s row.


This reminds me of this :laughing: