You mean the battle pass?? Or what?? I’m just so confused right now?? Do i need to watch 30 hours of owl to get grey skins??
[looks at thread title]
[looks at full cup of coffee on desk]
Specific skins can be earned by watching a few hours, but others will be available to purchase with OWL points
Yeah i know but all i want to know is how you will be able to get the grey skins?? Are the grey skins ONLY available to earn by watching OWL?? and how many hours do i actually need to watch OWL to get them??
It’s so annoying when proper info can’t be provided, like how hard is it actually to give out?? I don’t understand.
Ah yeah. Agreed
Afaik, they only listed a Zarya grey skin and I think two others I dont remember. I dont even remember where I saw it.
A nice list of “This is what you get after X ours of watching” would be nice.
Oh really? I just want the ashe grey skin if i’m being honest haha, i would love to get those i can but ashe is luterally the one i feel like i want the most.
Yeah totally 100% agree, i don’t understand how hard that actually is? I bet it would just take a few mins of their time but they’re too lazy.
Here, I’ll just put this,
Go to 5:08, that’s where he mentions the OWL skin stuffs along with the 3 hours for 3 OWL grey.white skins. I too am confused by it but we just have to wait for their announcement as to when they will run that incentive.
So drops with stuffs in it . Plus new owl skins . Plus vault. They did put everything they got directly
But it feels like he isn’t talking about the grey skins tho?? And still 3 skins per 3 hours if i got that right isn’t much because i don’t know for how long they actually stream for?? Are these hours actually enough to get them all?
Saw an image of the OWL Store and it only had 6 OWL skins.
- Clockwork - Zenyatta
- Happi - Genji*
- Royal Knight - Mercy*
- Luchador - Reaper*
- Lion Luchador - Reaper
- Tiger Luchador - Reaper
*Increased from 200 to 300 tokens.
Mercy recolor for the Royale skin, non-existent, bravo OW Team.
This is ridiculous.
I am kinda glad that I saved up ~3k OWL tokens
They want people to watch more of their tournaments, I guess.
I have slightly over 2000 currently.
I saw, I believe we will get the “fan favorites,” closer to the tourney
I have 2959 tokens and have my alarm set for APAC in the morning at 6 AM.
Looks like there’s a new Zenyatta skin, the two Reaper recolors and I assume a Mercy recolor - at the least. That’s… 900 burnt right there. Actually I may pass on the Seoul Reaper skin and Mercy recolor because I guess they could start releasing more OWL skins than ever before too.
I already redeemed Royal Knight and if those 6 are indeed the OWL skins we are getting next week then I most likely won’t be getting any of the rest. Going to save my tokens for some of the past OWL skins that I want.
i thought i was the only guy this desperate
i wake up to my alarm instantly, open up my laptop, put the stream up, mute it, fullscreen it, partially close my laptop, sneak it under my bed, fall asleep, wake up, and set the next stream
this is me too no cap. Tbh, it is worth it considering the price increases.
So no D.Va nor Atlantic Ange ? … Idc about any of those !
Yeah, but the screenshot I saw could just be a test so I don’t know if those skins are confirmed for next week or not.
Even more worth it now considering we all got the other OWL skins at the old, cheaper prices. Going into OW2 having gotten every special skin free.