OWL Vault (updates!)

Im not sure about the total amount that you can get from watching all streams but its the usual 5 tokens per hour.

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Pain. I use work out which isn’t bad but I’m really not a fan of the gun lol

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Yes. In the community update they said things along those lines- that fan favorites are coming back and it will be in the new OWL League store in game on OW2 launch. Also- watch OWL this season because all the grey and whites are out (if you haven’t gotten all already).

Omg what?? All as in all 32 current heroes?? If so can you tell me when they will be live on yt?


For me it says 12pm PST, they usually have a preshow at 11am PST. Just because I am not aware of your time zone- i Linked their youtube and their league schedule. I would def turn notifications on for their youtube. Make sure you are connected with your battle.net + youtube ok!!!

As for the OWL GREY/White

I’m so bad with time zones but i live in sweden, 12pm pst seems to be 21:00 for me, but i don’t know what day you’re talking about lol.

I do follow owl on twitter and have their notification on just in case theybtweet something i’m interested in.

But do we even know how many hours you have to watch to even earn all those skins or???

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I think I have most or all owl skins.
I’ll need to check

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looks like every 3 hours according to that previous post- lets hope they do an official blog update for more details ^_^,

as for the time, usually when the league is about to start on youtube- there are videos where you can “wait” and have a notification on. That’s where the stream will usually be with a time. LETS GET DEEZ SKINS

Oh okay that’s not much then lol, i think i saw that someone on the post you added to your reply that it will begin tmr or something?? So maybe we can start getting skins tmr then?

Yeah i’ve seen that before lol so i might have to check tmr if there are videos or something

Yep! The 22nd! Lets go get it!!

Also, fellow gamer… happy gaming ok :slight_smile:

I really hope i will! I’ve been wanting that grey ashe skin ever since i saw it lol, so i hope i can get it this time then.

Happy gaming to you too :blush:

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Alien Zarya and Flaming (Midas) Hog are at the top of my list unless they allow the Blizzcon Winston one.

Yeah i got midas hog the first day it was out and never swapped off of it

At this rate, It looks like there will be more stores sub-menus than actually game modes sub-menus :sweat_smile:

I didn’t play OW between 2017-2021 so I missed quite a lot of the OWL skins as well. The one that I want most is Zen-Nakji. Hopefully, it’ll be available to redeem.

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oooooo I just looked it up, that skin is amazing! I really hope they bring that back too.


Ahh finally. They said Luchador was getting team colors. Excited

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btw- i didn’t get any owl grey or whites yet. Please keep me updated if anything changes. It might be i heard it wrong but I think we are waiting for an official announcement? idk. FARM THE TOKENS THO OK!!

Yeah i kept checking yesterday if i got tge skins but nothing :man_shrugging:t2: there is a live today soon so i’m gonna keep it open and “watch it” when it goes live so i can farm more tokebs and hopefully get the time in so i can get the skins.

But it’s weird why we didn’t get them tho since you said you only need to watch 3 hours???