OWL Summer Showdown - PAR vs VAN, DAL vs FLA, HOU vs SFS

That Hollywood game was brutal, Florida rolled Dallas on offense.

Seems like they found the answer against the sym/mei comp.

You know, considering everything that was stacked against Mayhem, I actually think they did really good despite the loss.

Dallas may have threw that one to create a 3-2 win scenario.

Credit to them, Checkmate & Mayhem weren’t as bad as I thought they’d be, though I’m still not confident in the switch-up for the rest of the year.

Way it looks, I would say they prob would’ve done better by not mirror matching in the second round and sticking with the same comp that they used on hollywood to beat the sym/Mei comp.

The Fuel still burn bright!

The Fuel take a back-and-forth series and get one step closer to the OWL2021 playoffs!

FINAL (Match 2)

Lijiang Tower (Control): Dallas Fuel 2, Florida Mayhem 1.

Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Escort): Florida Mayhem 2, Dallas Fuel 1.

Hanamura (Assault): Dallas Fuel 2, Florida Mayhem 0.

Hollywood (Hybrid): Florida Mayhem 4, Dallas Fuel 3.

Oasis (Control): Dallas Fuel 2, Florida Mayhem 0.

FINAL SCORE: Dallas Fuel 3, Florida Mayhem 2


The Fuel keep climbing up, while the Mayhem keep falling down.

Anyway, now that we had those matches…let’s bring out the MAIN EVENT! It’s time for the rematch we’ve all been waiting for…the Houston Outlaws against the San Francisco Shock. The Shock lost a 6-map thriller to the Outlaws back in Week 1 of the season, and now it’s time for the rematch. Will the Outlaws help vindicate Reinforce? Or will the Shock cruise into the Summer Showdown? Let’s get ready to RUMBLE!


That Checkmate guy should never play Reinhardt again. Make him the first Orisa one trick in OWL.

I’m loving Mr. X and Custa switching places. Also, give Mitch and Matt awards, gaming award people. League has nothing on our casters.

Happy didn’t appear to be happy with his hair.
Bad hair day?

He better get his mind off his hair or the Shock may have an advantage.


The Shock take Busan, but a questionable play by Twilight on Junkertown gives the Outlaws a surprise victory, and we’re heading into the second half all tied up!

AFTER MAP 2 (Match 3)

Busan (Control): San Francisco Shock 2, Houston Outlaws 1

Junkertown (Escort): Houston Outlaws 6, San Francisco Shock 5

MATCH SCORE: Houston Outlaws 1, San Francisco Shock 1

NEXT UP: The second half of Outlaws vs. Shock, starting with Volskaya Industries (Assault) followed by King’s Row (Hybrid). Let’s rock and roll, folks!

Twilight being the DPS Moira and going through the TP alone I-

If that isn’t relatable to every sym, heck, every OVERWATCH player, I don’t what is!

That commercial…

410 MILLION data points?!
I don’t understand.
How can there be that many things to look at to evaluate a match?

These Symmetra, Mei, Sigma comps are even more confusing to watch than Echo, D.Va quad selfdestruct :joy:

People teleporting all over the place while being frozen and flying through the air at the same time :crazy_face:

On some maps, Mei / Sym makes sense to control points with a brawl.

Insane game. Danteh did so much in the end.

THE SAN FRANCISCO SHOCK HAVE FINALLY PROVEN MORTAL! The Houston Outlaws take the match and steal the end-of-season tiebreaker! The Outlaws prove Week 1 was not a fluke!

FINAL (Match 4)

Busan (Control): San Francisco Shock 2, Houston Outlaws 1.

Junkertown (Escort): Houston Outlaws 6, San Francisco Shock 5.

Volskaya Industries (Assault): Houston Outlaws 1, San Francisco Shock 0.

King’s Row (Hybrid): Houston Outlaws 2, San Francisco Shock 1.

FINAL SCORE: Houston Outlaws 3, San Francisco Shock 1


The Houston Outlaws take the season series 2-0 and start off their Summer Showdown campaign on the right foot. For the Shock, I’m afraid, if alarm bells weren’t already ringing at Shock HQ, ALL THE ALARM BELLS better be ringing now in San Fran…after going 2-2 and barely breaking even on map differential, there is some…questions…that need to be answered, especially if this dismal performance ends up costing the Shock a spot in the Summer Showdown Knockouts.

That’s all for now, my friends. Matches resume at 2am Pacific (5am Eastern) with Day 2 of Week 2 of APAC qualifier matches. We’ll see you then. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some dailies in Korthia to knock out before I head for bed…

Thanks as always to WyomingMyst for providing these sanctuary threads. Until tomorrow morning, from our wonderful host WyomingMyst, I’m Arena25 saying Good Night and Charlie Niners.

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I thought you said “shutdown” and almost got excited. OWL is dumb.