OWL player suspended

The screenshots are very convincing. I expect DreamKazper to be dropped by the end of the week.

Didn’t read any of the details. Sounds like a teenage girl trying to go viral though. Pun intended.


She’s “guilty” of what, exactly? It’s not enough that we have people jumping to conclusions on the accusations–We have to have people who immediately resort to attacking the accuser. Jesus, let the dust settle a bit before going there, eh?

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Exactly. It’s not about OWL, unfortunately people like that exist in all kinds of professions. The important thing is how they handle it from here on forward.

Dude. Dude. If this is true, she was 14. If a kid hits on an adult it’s on the adult to not take advantage of the child.


I don’t think anyone is attacking the accuser, more of pointing out that these things can easily go both ways, and to assume that this girl is 100 percent innocent, when her texts clearly show she was egging him on, is premature.


the age of consent is lower in Asian countries . so maybe is ok

The post I quoted literally said: “Wait what she is as guilty as he is.”

That is a reckless accusation to be throwing at the accuser and is absolutely an attack.

I’m literally 9 hours away from getting my bachelors in my double major of forensics and criminal justice. Always try to find out the truth. Innocent until proven guilty. Always be skeptical of accusations but investigate them anyway.


nothing’s more embarrassing than the Dreamkazper apologists


I think that was supposed to read ‘what if’, at least that’s how I read it.

However if you look at the texts you can see she was egging him on. That’s the exact way I used to talk to adult men who were leery about engaging in those conversations with me. There is culpability on both sides here, and as in all things the burden of proof is on the accuser.

I agree with everyone saying that the girl knew what she was doing, hell, I’m in high school and I have some friends who could make a better president.


Yeah, well they’re both in the wrong if this is all true. The girl knew this was wrong and so did he. They are both responsible.

Yah thats what i want to say, defenetly.
No ofc not be she shoud not be so stupid.
And for me this is a case wher she first was completely okay with it and even said such things back and later noticed that she can get some attention.
And if she wasnt okay with it then why the f+++ did she continued to text with him? Ther is a stupid block button.
But yah its always the mens foult i know it.

can you please update your main title? It has not been confirmed (it says so in the articles title and all over the article) and you should give more information such as https://postimg.org/gallery/3jb6etf4g/


Agreed (20 characters)

Please remove this topic, at least the title, its very shameful. And its more like they’re using this guys whatever publicity to harm him, there is justice for that

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The girl on twitter actually recorded herself scrolling through DMs

it’s just like kephrii again… when will people learn???


And if she wasnt okay with it then why the f+++ did she continued to text with him?

My guess is she will use the same garbage explanation as many others did. “I felt like I didn’t had a choice”, yes you had the choice, you just didn’t use it because you didn’t disliked the situation as much as you would like. The guy had no authority over her, it’s not like he was her boss or something, so he really had no influence over her at all.


The problem is her age. If she were a grown woman, then yeah that would be wrong of her.

Heck, it’s still wrong of her. But adults are supposed to know not to do anything with a teen / child. I’m still taking the “wait for more info” approach, because no one should be falsely accused and tormented over it.


First xqc, followed by that kid making slurs comments to Asians, now this guy? Owl lacks of credibility.

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