OWL player suspended

Do not put words into my mouth that I categorically did not say. Thank you.

Any adult of any gender who cannot control their sexuality with a minor has serious issues and needs to address them before they blow up into alleged incidents such as these.


she’s 14 and he’s 21, how is that okay at all? he’s an adult and should know better ffs.


My guess is her parents found out.


I can’t fathom how anyone would decide it’s a good idea to defend someone who is allegedly a pedo. Says a lot about their character.

It’s quite easy for older men to take advantage of younger girls, or really young people of any gender - he’s just a “pro player”, sure, but he’s prolific. The amount of backlash that she’s getting already just shows why she was probably so hesitant to do anything.

It’s extremely hard to stand up to someone who makes you uncomfortable, especially when you are so young. I know this from experience. You worry if you’re making it up, you worry that you’ll get gaslighted, that they’ll try rope you back in. It’s a mess of anxiety and fear and it’s horrible.

I think it’s a good idea to lock this thread, as it’ll just get worse and worse.


It’s not impossible for people to know what photoshop is, especially on this day and age.

Wow, yep, let me just photoshop this entire recorded video frame by frame.

because you are from the prejustice league?
Realy wtf is wrong with you?
This isnt a problem of the OWL this is, if he is guilty, the problem of one sick player.

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I am sorry if it looked like i was trying to put words into your mouth.

Innocent until proven guilty. It’s why I keep saying wait for more info before getting the pitchforks.

Obviously if the dude is guilty he should be punished.


Allegedy is the key word here.

And if you read my previous posts, you’ll see that there is a very distinct possibility this girl knew exactly what she was doing. After all, I did.

As far as her ‘standing up’ to him, did you even read the texts she sent him? She was egging him on, talking about how she felt so close to him and knew it was wrong but oh she liked him soooooo much.

Does that sound like someone who is a mess of anxiety and fear?

Throw out your emotions. Throw out your personal experience. Look at the situation with logic.


The Overwatch League is a downward spiral of insanity.

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Thank you. This developing scandal is already a hot issue, no doubt, and I’m afraid that the worst is yet to come.

I wasn’t even replying to anyone in particular.

Yeah, I do agree she should have left him too. She’s not 100 percent innocent, but if you’re a legal adult that’s getting “roped into” doing sexual things with a minor you should probably realize that it’s called pedophilia and you should stop.


Because talking and make some sexual references isn’t illegal. We all did it, at every age. The guy didn’t asked her to send nudes or “hey come give me a bj”, at least not on the screens. So far there is nothing that proves any punishable behavior with what she showed.

Did anyone bother to click the link? The chat logs show literally nothing about the claim OP is making. Don’t string this guy up for having a conversation with someone. Wait for real proof and then then decide.


People will/would rather jump on bandwagon than actually read through the link. The title is as misleading as a news media site.


This is true. If these allegations are true then he definitely did something wrong. How wrong is interesting to me but in today’s society you have to know this is just not good. Find girls who are at least 18. Maybe you could actually be a pedo, but that’s a whole 'nother can of worms. Man, this doesn’t look good for him. Shame for the Uprising. I wonder if he’ll get to play again.


Me, again here to say that dreamkazper apologists are the true cringe


Holy crap. Most of these “apologists” have actually read the evidence given or are waiting for more information to show up.

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I cant fathom how you cant. you say it yourself… allegedly. It is not confirmed, therefore it isn’t wrong to defend someone.