Overwatch League Nate Nanzer posted on Twitter today confirming the plan they had set in motion when the league first was announced.
Simply put expect to start watching Overwatch League matches in their respective home cities. Now if we can just get a Denver, Colorado OWL team going…
Well currently Paris is the closest to me. I hope at least Austria makes a new team
Austria? Not to sound cruel, but I don’t think they have had a national team even qualify for any of the World Cup tournaments. Not to say there would be a local talent for a prospective OWL team, but I wonder if there is the full serious interest for your country at this time.
EDIT: My original statement was proven incorrect and therefore redacted.
Thats true but i think about OWL team
For my country, Hungary is not really an Esport country so i dont think we have any OW Esport team in the near future sadly
Austria was on the last OW World Cup. In the same group as USA, Canada, Brazil, Switzerland and Norway
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Yes you are correct. I just checked it now.
I live in Washington so I’ll probably be able to drive over to see the Vancouver games sometimes. It’s only like 5-6 hours away.
Good thing the Titans are a decent team
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Washington Justice tho. But they are not a good team.
I hope to one day spend a weekend in Philly and see them pop off, would be pretty sick
Where my non-Americans at?
Greedy Trumplanders
Its coming home
Its coming home
Its coming
The payloads coming home!
And now the London Spitfire/Shanghai Dragons match has re-entered my head.
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Hey wyoming how is that portfolio coming along
Grinding… hope to have something to share in a day or two.
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I hipe it comes out well my friend
Give them my idea I posted on your Art School post
Well, 12/20 Teams are based on American Cities…
For the rest, 4 of them are Chinese. Then you have London Spitfire, Paris Eternal, Seoul Dynasty and Vancouver Titans…
I’m here waiting for a South America representative to show up. There are quite a few teams on Contenders, but nothing on League for my Country, or even the continent.
This sounds cool, although the closest city to me would probably be Guangzhou or Seoul…