OWL mirror matches

Is there anything worse than seeing mirror matches all the time?

Would it be possible to implement some rules where: 1) players are not allowed to switch heroes mid match and 2) heroes cannot be repeated between the teams?

For example. Team A gets to choose one hero, and that hero cannot be chosen by the other team. Then team B chooses 2, which are now locked for Team A.

Do you guys think this would work?


I wonder if they could make a rule similar to the 3v3 deathmatch. Where using a tank in a round prevents you from using it in the next round.

So youā€™d end up with team selected selfbans.

Or heck, make it so the tank with the most playtime during a round gets banned for the next round. So they are inventivized to mix it up.

That would work for me as well. But itā€™s just that, removing the ability to swap heroes would be interesting.

Changes like this might work when they arenā€™t playing on a beta. Only a handful of characters are viable at that level of play right now. After some more balance changes, reworks, and new characters, we might see a bit more variety. Maybe.

Interesting take. Why does it have to single out tanks and not include all the roles?

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It could be all roles.

But tanks kinda define the compositions that can get used.

So just changing tanks would automatically swap up the DPS/Supports that get used.

Especially when dealing with enemy compositions that arenā€™t mirror matches.

That said, for ladder play they might want to end up mixing up the tanks somehow, in GM, because I could see people being forced to play the one singular meta tank.

Over and over and over and over.

I like the idea. I wouldnā€™t want to make the assumption, though, that because one dive tank is ā€œbannedā€ this round that another dive tank + same dps and supports canā€™t be used again.

Well they basically got

Doom, which is halfway between Winston and Hammond

So it wouldnā€™t really be banning an overall playstyle. But the matchup would be different

Not only would that make the game a balancing nightmare. It would genuinely kill half the roster + mirror matches are actually quite enjoyable, The games wouldnt be fair or exciting to watch if you know team A is getting pounded because they decided to gamble with widow for example. Its just wasting 4+ minutes for everyone watching

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They need more heroes and hero variation to make it work in their game for eSports.

At some point a map editor or just way more maps to force change ups.

The players pick the best tools to win. Itā€™s up to the devs to make the C and lower tier heroes more viable in a competitive setting.

bUt oW2 wIlL sAvE tEh gAeM

No because paladins has exactly that already and it does nothing.
I wonā€™t mind it though as far as it is OWL only. OWL is already a completely different game anyway.

It wonā€™t happen because they think about the casual player base too much and whatā€™s oppressive in gold and lower. Some other posts have been popping up mirroring this. The split focus on balance is causing this issue

would be funny if they made mystery heroes mode the owl standard


this is the problem right nowā€¦the game is simply not balanced yetā€¦nor is it ready to be balanced yetā€¦

they are playing an unready (and unfinished) game by force and so the options available to them are not that manyā€¦some heroes are blatantly too strongā€¦some are not in states that are very usefulā€¦

they can try to balance the little they have available to them atmā€¦but even then their own rules make it so that they cant (they play a single patch each stage)ā€¦so we have to wait like another 3 weeks before we see if the changes they make can alter what we seeā€¦

its tragic honestlyā€¦cause i want to see the league succeedā€¦but its going to be hard when its so handicapped atmā€¦

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I donā€™t think any Competitive esport ever prohibits mirror matching. The problem is that there can be negative perceptions that whoever got the first pick will have the better chance to win the match overall assuming the meta game is pretty fixed.

Other games do run pick and ban systems and that is because they donā€™t have hero switching. Pick and bans would have some significant pros and cons in Overwatch and would potentially create a ā€œBan Metaā€ and not necessarily solve the underlying problems of a static metagame overall.

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It may actually be entertaining to watch for once.

What are you talking about? Everyone hates mirror matches.

But right now you see the same few heroes and itā€™s worse when we get mirror matches all the time.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m proposing.

Well then, thatā€™s why the next team gets 2 picks.

I mean, as silly as it sounds, it is the most skill-based mode. Whoever can play the most heroes and strategies (and adapt to those) wins. Not the ā€œmeta or loseā€ mindset that has been since game release.


As long as thereā€™s a counter-hero picking system on Overwatch, this shouldnā€™t be a thing, even for OWL because this would be a huge disadvantage for one of the teams.

But you got a point about mirror teams and thatā€™s exactly why I always thought Overwatch was never league material (I understood that back in 2016 when there were already mirror team matches in the OWL, reason why I didnā€™t keep up with it - 'cause it was boring).

I think thereā€™s no need implementing those rules in the future because it looks like the counter-hero system will soon be removed by the time PVP 2.0 gets released.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong but the new gameā€™s direction to PVP is heading towards every hero being equally powerful and less situational. If all heroes are reworked into having projectile weapons (or hitscan) in the near future, all heroes would be playable 100% of the time which might lead to having less mirror team matches.

Pro players would simply pick a hero with the gamestyle they like best 'cause currently they only pick the current meta heroes.

Depends on the mirror match. The double shield mirror matchup and the goats mirror were not fun to watch. In OW2 the mirrors seemed fine, though I didnā€™t see that many of them to be honest. They often varied by at least one hero.