Owl Mercy skin refund

will o wisp is buyable with overwatch credits lol?

I bought it before those were readded. I bought Will O Wisp in S1.

I Peeped that too

Like they did with… Hmmmm… The whole game? :eye: :lips: :eye:.

:point_right: :point_left: :man_shrugging:

ah okay that makes sense

They were giving away skins that we had earned/purchased in Ow1 as well, we had to buy the game and spend hours to unlock them or purchase lootboxes. Should we all get refunds too? Obviously not.

If you purchased something because you wanted it, then you got exactly what you paid for.

We own absolutely nothing in the game. Blizz could decide to shut the servers down tomorrow if they really wanted and everything you’ve ever purchased would be simply gone. We are pretty much renting/leasing the game.

It amazes me that people are still figuring this out after so many years.


I just read an article on here saying they DID give people who previously bought it a refund.

So, there’s something to chew on, wouldn’t you agree?

They didnt give everyone a refund who previously got it. Only select few but it is bogus to give the skin away for free in less than a year. I didnt get one and im mad at myself for falling for it.

The only exclusive skin is the Noire widowmaker one. They have never released it again from what i know.

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They didn’t say everyone would get one. Its everyone

Of course, I don’t know if that’s an adequate step for the community, but I responded to the first person saying “you won’t get a refund” while blizzard is refunding people

Thats a bit different. Normally the time between shop skins being free are months or complete seasons. I bought the Owl skin in S3 or so, so I get why I dont get a refund. But I also know why people who bought the skin 3 weeks ago get one. Could also be the case that the shop owl skin was a mistake and now they are “fixing” it.

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infact, about cassidy and soldier skins in watchpoint bundle:

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exclusive=/=exclusive for all time

exclusive=exclusive for the time being available and maybe for the foreseeable future

There are just a few skins are are not coming back like pink Mercy, lego bastion or some other skins. You can even say that currently for BP or mythic skins, but they never said specifically that they will never be available again.

Isn’t that just gambling then? If you buy something it may come back for free so you get your coins returned and a free skin? I thought they weren’t allowed to have gambling mechanics anymore…

Stop being ridiculous. Gambling is when you put money in something and dont have a guaranteed chance to get what you want or you dont know what you get. Its RNG.

In this case its more like a risk: you can either buy the skin or take the risk that it will be someday available as a drop or event reward. But this is not gambling…

Also wrong. I bought the skin in S3 or so and do not get a refund. The only people who get one are the people who bought it 3 weeks ago.

Just because you dont understand what “gambling” means, does not mean that it is gambling.

How many people clung to the fact that Sombra Demon Hunter was explicitly told that she would return? Everyone. So if I grammatically look up the meaning of “exclusive” and it says unofficially… what am I supposed to think it means, exactly?

they once brought back Widowmaker Noire in the EXACT exclusive condition for the introduction of Overwatch on Switch: preorder for that platform. Today, if that skin returned, wouldn’t it do an injustice to those who felt they had purchased a unique piece, albeit digital? then we forgive it because it was never said “exclusive”, grammatically speaking. So tell me why the moment someone called “2 exclusive legendary skins” soldier and Cassidy from watchpoint what should they perceive?

Are these really small things to complain about? Absolutely yes… but they were said anyway. Someone talked about a product and described it in a certain way. it remains the consumer’s right to notice these quibbles in the presentation of a product in the conditions described.

I will say more: this community should be much less cowardly in exposing the same problem for FAKE RARITIES like Moira Mime that don’t even have a special effect in the skin like Mei-rry skin. implicitly it is a false advertisement that is noticed through word of mouth, but those who are used to rarity standards do not know that it is just a false legendary skin that has absolutely nothing special to deserve that rarity.


There’s a couple exclusive ones. A bastion and Winston blizzcon skins, pink mercy, that widow skin, Lego bastion, alien zarya, dr. Ziegler, a handful of weekly challenge skins and UUUUH I think that’s it? At least for now. Some will probably be brought back eventually

It´s not for free…-_-

Well, those people that bought it between the time it was released as a freebie with Prime and 3 weeks ago got a refund, so my statement was correct that there is a possibility that if you buy something you may get it for free with a refund as well.

And you are telling me

when you are someone who paid money for a skin, in a first person shooter game, 1000 coins in S3 or ~10$… yep, I’m totally the ridiculous one. :rofl:

On a real note, the sombra one was dumb as hell bc all the other blizzcons were basically limited. BUT I get what you’re saying. Thanks for explaining it that way. I definitely was viewing it differently and understand that now:) I only get skins if I like them but ig tbh this skin is one I regret getting lmao so maybe that’s why I was annoyed

that pack was 20$ on sale and was up for the first 2 seasons of ow. Wasn’t really exclusive