OWL Experimental Card views

This reply is as evil as bobby Kotick


Right, because outside of OWL nobody plays in a team and only plays ranked

Well, Kel’Thuzad is my pfp, and favorite Heroes of the Storm character.

You literally cannot play the game the same as OWL

You’re locked out of playing with more than 1 other person once you get a high enough rank

Exactly my point. You don’t balance around such a niche community because you’d ruin your game. You could actually negatively impact the majority of your player base doing that, the player base you want money from.

Bingo! Exactly what I’ve been saying. Not only did this panel as a whole lack basic game knowledge, they didn’t bother even having a wiki pulled up to glance at numbers before making outlandish suggestions… in a balance panel they literally volunteered for.

It’s just a really bad look and performance for pretty much everyone involved.

…except Blizzard, they are geniuses for orchestrating this thing.


EXCUSE ME SIR, THIS IS OVERWATCH. We currently have 32 heroes.

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I knew something was off about that number. I saw someone say 45, and I guess that made me conclude there were 45. BUT on the bright side, 32 is close to 45?? ehh??
:frowning: spare me from the embarrassment.

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No, Because I thought this might have been a clue about overwatch 2 and now you are telling me it’s your mistake, so I’m mad.

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lol hahahha :joy: im dead

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with the exception of like 3-4 heroes…most of the changes werent completely unreasonable honestly…

regardless this isnt how balance actually gets done in the game…not sure why people are jumping to all these conclusions about why they should or shouldnt balance the game for X…

if the devs themselves threw these changes out after the balance process was done THEN maybe you can come on here and say WTF…but thats not what this was…like…AT ALL

Did you read the EXC? Even a bronze/silver player (like me) know that it was a lot of bs.

If they did it for the meme/lulz, ok, but don’t expect players take them serious…

Except they did market it as something trying to seriously take on balance issues, heck the fact that even some if the panelists thought so too (e.g the lucio suggestions) kinda shows that. Not to mention:

If it was 100% for :poop: and giggles, then don’t call it an expC and don’t make it available as an expC on live to then also try and consider taking some of that and pushing it into actual main game.

Yeah, I don’t think people should be taking this ExC as seriously as they are atm. But I do understand their frustration with how the ExC has been conducted.

It’s not going to be available on the live version of the game

The expC is defs scheduled to be put into live.

These dates were shown at the end of the vid.

When I mean the live version of the game. I mean it’s not going to affect us


The damn cowboy and punchy boy wasn’t changed

idk why they didnt’ change doomfist though feelsbad

If it absolutely won’t have anything that could be put into actual main live game, then make it a temp arcade mode, not an expC.

But they legit did say they’ll consider changes being put to live and that’s exactly the problem i.e. it is being treated as an actual expC i.e. actually meant for balance of the game.

And as stated before, aimlessly throwing random crap out to “test” very likely won’t give good results and it’s just wasting everyone’s time and resources, not to mention the opportunity of the direct input into balance itself.

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