OWL Experimental Card views

I’m a little bit disappointed that the community really took this OWL experimental patch seriously. If you really think about it, changing 32 heroes simultaneously should’ve been a dead give away that most of the changes were not serious and have a low chance of making it to the live version of the game. But I’m even further disappointed by the fact that people claim that OWL pros and top 500 players do not understand the game at all. If that’s the case, why are they in higher elos? Surely, if they had 0 game sense whatsoever, they should be bronze. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of people in the upper bracket who, if they earnestly tried, could create create changes that most of you would like. It’s not fair to generalize people just because of handful of their kind made a “mistake.” While I agree that the OWL ExC should’ve been taken a little bit more seriously (if they wanted to gain more viewership) and should’ve included more specialist for each type of role, you have to realize that at the end of the day, these changes were for fun. What may not be fun for you might be fun for others. Like many of you, I initially thought that these were changes were stupid and should never come to the live game. But after thinking about the changes a bit more, I eventually found myself more and more interested to see how the ExC patch will play out.


People can’t accept that their idols and the people they worship have stupid ideas. So they make up this excuse that the Experiment was a meme, or just for the lulz.

It is clear as day that this is the case. Everybody who doesn’t blindly white knight for pros can see it.


It’s not like I have unwavering belief in pro players as if they’re Gods whose actions are always correct. In fact, I believe that there are many pro players who are capable of having stupid ideas blinded by their personal interests.

It’s not an excuse. If it was “serious”, then why didn’t the OWL panel choose more representatives, each of whom know their own respective role very well. We had two hitscans mains, two main tanks, and 1 support player. Obviously, they’re not taking the ExC seriously.

OWL and the Overwatch Community lives in two separate worlds. Even if they were 100% serious and these are the patches that they would pick kinda proves how different they are compared to the rest of the game.

OWL should not be making changes since OWL players don’t play the same game we do.


Yeah and that’s precisely why these changes were never going to make it to the live game anyways.

That’s why I’m disappointed in the developers. What a waste of resources when some characters could use some actual real changes.


But they are changing characters every two weeks. Even though the OWL ExC will be up, there’s still a good chance that they’re working on another set of heroes. Plus, making changes is a time consuming process that can’t be completed within a 2-3 timeframe.

Playing devil’s advocate;

There wasn’t much wording stating that it shouldn’t be. Sure if you looked around a bit they would have found that out (like I did), but they know how this community is when it comes to anything balance wise.

Double that down with personalities/pros/whatever getting to pretty much “call the shots” on this, they should have expected people to freak out. This is pretty much what I expected to happen, both with the changes and the reaction to the whole thing.

They definitely took a bullet by not making that info known more than once before the actual stream.

Regardless of how I feel about the changes to the card, I hope they do this again and they let another group have a go at it. Hopefully they go even crazier with it than this time (the only intriguing change is torb with double turrets, which will be the only reason I give it a go).

The problem is they didn’t make it fun for a lot of heroes. They tried a couple interesting things, but most changes were bland or just plain stupid. Junkrat can deal 5 more damage at when his mines hit someone at max range. Wow. Winston gets 15 of his health converted to armor. Groundbreaking. Mercy can reset guardian angel with a kill. Would people even notice that? Instead of being fun or serious with this card, they chose an awful middle ground where it just feels like a big waste of time.


Yeah, I agree with you as well. I meant to say “some of these changes.” For instance, Tracer getting 175 HP was kinda dumb and not really fun imo

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

Being good or knowledgeable at the game doesn’t mean you know how to balance it.


All the forums have done today is prove to me that the majority can’t seem to resist dramatic, polarized points of view.

I hope the devs give the exp card the Hogger middle finger and bring their own crazy and fun changes.

If they wanted to they would have already done it, lol.

Yeah, if only we lived in a perfect world. Yells off in the distance “I still love you Blizzard!”

You mean activision. Blizzard is quite dead.

You love activision. Which is a teensy bit embarrassing


Activision-Blizzard is the greatest company to have ever lived MUAHAHAHA

No way, good players play on a totally different lvl then bad players

The point of a competetive game is that you improve, making changes wich allow you to get away with poor play destroys the whole idea of a competetive game

But sure, we should balance for people who dont even play the game correctly because 3 people from an league made questionable changes for an experimental card

There a difference between good players and people who play the game as a job. I doubt very much there is a lot of GMs that play 8 hours a day with a team of the same 6 people.

Well… they can’t because you can’t group up more then 2 people at high rank. You literally cannot play the same game as OWL.

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Except they had time - they knew they were going to do this - they undoubtedly knew even longer than we did about this coming.

Yet some didn’t even do statistical research on numbers (for changes they were advocating), some heroes weren’t considered AT ALL by them, and the best changes went simply to their mains.

It doesn’t matter if this was serious or if it’s for fun - because it proves the very thing that many people had to argue about for months in regards to pros and content creators being listened to - that they are biased.