OWL Commentators and Casters - Please Call Winston by His Name

Hi all,

I understand many people who play OW refer to Winston as “monkey” when they are making calls in-game. It’s quick and easy to say in the moment. However, I find it a bit uneasy that the OWL commentators and casters refer to Winston as “monkey” during an official setting. The OW team put in a lot of work developing Winston as a character, and he is a key figure in the OW universe. Calling him a monkey seems to devalue him as a character – not to mention he isn’t a monkey.

It’s also worth mentioning that when watching OWL matches with thousands of other viewers online, you are sharing the experience with people from all sorts of backgrounds. Unfortunately, a lot of people hear a casters referring to Winston as “monkey” and take it as an opportunity to make culturally insensitive jokes or even hateful comments about Black people. I know this can’t be controlled, but referring to Winston by his name seems like an easy adjustment that could help mitigate opportunities for divisive comments polluting the viewing experience.

Does anyone else see this as an issue or have any other thoughts?


I am impressed on how you managed to link the word monkey with black people.


The announcers are like your parents. They try to ‘stay hip’ with what the young people are saying. So overwatch players being young people and the castors are your parents.


It sounds like the people who are trying to wrap racism around an in-game alias that has been around since the beginning are a bunch of whiny babies. Not the caster’s problem IMO.


Hmm… Gonna dodge this bait.


Defense matrix against troll post activated!


I didn’t make the link until it was used against me. I know I can’t be the only Black person that gets reminded of the days when the slang was commonly used. I try not to let it get to me though.


But it will be very confusing because as a watcher you wouldn’t know if they mean Winston the monkey or Winston the scientist or Winston the space station or Winston the universe or the planet Winston as Blizzard is so good and diverse with naming things Winston.

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Haha, that is pretty interesting observation. I can totally see them trying to just be hip, as you say.

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I think it’s hip to take offense now.


Using his name makes more sense, and it’ll be good to train them with future-proof call outs if another “monkey” is added to the game.

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Hope I didn’t come of as whinny. If it doesn’t bother you or if you don’t see it as a problem, that is fair. I guess it wouldn’t matter to you either way then?

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No, you don’t come off as whiny. You actually made an argument, whilst some people just whine with no backup information.


Haha, it could be very confusing for some. Although, if a viewer knew about all the different Winston’s Blizzard has to offer, I’m sure they could figure out the casters are referring to Winston the playable Scientist Gorilla in OW.


It is very annoying. Also so cringe whenever they call him ‘angry scientist’ during primal rage. Why is it so hard to call him Winston or Gorilla?


So you say they knew you were black and used it on purpose?

(X) Doubt

I think it’s weird too actually D:
Like, it’s not like they’re calling D.Va a Gremlin or Soldier “Dad 76” or something, it’s just Winston that they don’t use his Name when talking about him.
He isn’t even a Monkey, he’s a scientist :c


But that’s his first name. He’s gorilla scientist named Monkey Winston.


Monkeys have tails! (now imagine Winston with a tail).
He’s a gorilla scientist! And his name comes from somewhere, remember? He has such a sweet story. And I can see the issue that it causes to call him a Monkey in the professional scene to a big audience.

It’s not the first issue that people have been pointing out about casters lately. One (that I don’t remember his name) had very strong opinion on Mercy and seemed to always be talking against her plays during match. Which was not very professional either I think.


I can see that. For me personally, this is the first time I’ve brought a conversation like this to a public setting. Normally when I hear or see people use comments like this online, I just take it and let it slide off my back. I think a lot more people do just that, but the vocal ones usually come out once they’ve kind of reach their limit. So vocal people who take offense to it aren’t open to having a positive conversation on the matter. They just want to complain.

If you are not offended by it, I’m glad. I hope you are enjoying the OWL.

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