Owl batch 2 codes

can you still get the owl batch 2 codes or is it over ?

You can no longer get batch 2 codes from the Boston Uprising website but occasionally on Twitter some teams give away codes for these sprays. So keep an eye out there.

Oh and if you are looking for a batch 1 code Dallas Fuel will randomly give codes to (active) discord users.


can you get them from watching streams on week 13 ?

Are you referring to the sprays people would’ve gotten going to homestands?

yes i got the batch 1 sprays but cant get batch 2 cuz events got cancelled

Yesterday’s event gave out batch 2 codes to anyone that was logged in for free. I only found out about it because I was subscribed to OWL newsletter. Which you should do too. I’m sure there will be more homestand games giveaways.

What event? Watching OWL? I have the newsletter too and didn’t get anything. Couldn’t have been OWL because you can’t link anything Bnet on YT (that I know of)… I’m VERY CONFUSED! And mad I missed out.

i know me 2 it sucks, if only i knew i added them on twitter and youtube and instagram and didnt hear anything about the sprays

I still don’t know what everyone’s talking about and I’m trying to Google. I still only find the original article for these sprays, which I have asked repeatedly about since in-person OWL was canceled.

batch 1 is over only batch 2 left and u get batch 2 from watching owl from what i understand

Go to Boston uprising website and scroll down and click on “Boston Uprising Virtual Watch Party” and see the giveaway there.

you can buy batch 1 sprays on ebay if you want them that bad i think their around 10$

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Edit: Found it.

How are they sending codes? Ahh it’s through their watch link… are other teams in batch 2 doing the same thing? Is the Boston code going to be for all teams in batch 2 or just Boston?

all teams, each code give you 10 sprays

If you find out how to get batch 2 can you let me know? Or is it just getting lucky now on a Twitter giveaway? Only appears batch 1 are on ebay right now.

It was for all teams for batch 2. I’ve bookmark this thread so the next time something comes out. I’ll post it in here for you guys.

I’m ashamed to say I did buy batch 1 sprays on eBay. Ah well was going to go to an Atlanta event anyway - this ends up way cheaper. lol.

well im ashamed to say i bought 3 lol

Why would you need 3?

for my friends, btw i have like 99.9% of ow items i even bought 2 world of Warcraft games to get sprays , emotes and voicelines im a collector xD