OWCS: Know Before You Go - Stage 1

OWCS: Know Before You Go - Stage 1

Welcome to another year of Overwatch Champions Series! In 2024, we introduced OWCS as a new, open ecosystem designed to give everyone a chance to watch, compete, and enjoy Overwatch Esports their way.

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I’m super excited for the next season of OWCS!

I do hope it’ll be a little bit easier to spectate/watch OWCS replays in-client this year!



The only real way to enjoy it is to not watch it.


Hey Blizzard. You need a popular game for a successful E-Sport. Fix Overwatch.


Ooooh, man you’re so edgy and cool!

Pretty sure Overwatch still has plenty of Esports viewers and players lol. I don’t watch the eSports myself but anytime there’s some kind of event going on it has a pretty good amount of viewers

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don’t care.

Fix your match maker.

Here’s a replay code as to how crap your Quickplay match making is.


Gee, looks like leaver penalties “works”. NOT.

If you keep making matches that suck, nobody is going to care enough to watch anyone else play this game.

You have potential, you are smart people. Please apply yourselves.

Please and thank you.


Hero bans.

Odd, I was told repeatedly that hero bans have been tried before and were an absolute abject colossal catastrophic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious disaster and there are precisely zero reasons to do them.

I guess OWCS is doomed :sob:

Add map bans please .

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know before you go… why does that sound like a tutorial of how to use a toilet…

Just a small joke.

But back on track… it is good to see the Classic OW getting a look. Lets just hope we keep our Torb Armour so we can be a Pseudo Support again!

Armour Saves Lives! And So Does An Ultimate Sentry Gun! WOOHOOOO!

what??? You don’t watch, but you seem to know they have good amount of viewers??? Interesting… Can you share how you do this? I won’t lie I watched some OWL back in the day. It got boring quickly, same comps over and over. It is far more entertaining to actually play the game not watch others play.

The algorithm knows I watch Overwatch videos so the tournament streams pop up in my recommended and it shows how many people are watching below the stream. I just don’t click it to watch

I agree, but apparently (judging based on how many viewers the tournaments often get) plenty of people enjoy watching, just not me or you lol

What the heck is this CRAP. The last time I checked China was in Asia so they should be part of Asia’s Teams and not their own teams. When 1/2 the teams in the world stage are filled from ONE SMALL PART OF THE WORLD. It’s NOT FAIR!!! May as well call it Asia’s Champions Series since 1/2 of ALL THE TEAMS are from that one region of the world. Racist as hell this is.

China has fully 1/8 of the global population.

But sure, small part of the world bro.

Baby they been gone already

Hero bans are just going to result in all mirror comps like they did when OWL tried it.

You just reminded me that I never watched the Grand Finals even though I intended to. Oops. GG

That is irrelevant to this discussion. Asia should not have HALF of the teams playing in the final if you include the region China is in. RACIST as HELL this stupid format is. It will always give a team in Asia an unfair advantage to win since they get an unfair advantage of having more teams included than any other region in the world. There is only one fair comment to this “RACIST as HELL”