OW2's ranked system is a broken mess

I’m not a super competitive player. But even I can see the this new ranking system is a huge step backwards from what it was. Why do you have to win 7 or lose 20 to see where you rank? I’d say it seems so lazy but leaving it the way it was would be easier, and better. Let players see their rank and sr in real time. Not this vauge bs. Not to mention how unpredictable the rank changes seem to be. Shame on blizz for this

So after the mid-season patch I lost one match (someone in team left 2 mins into the game) and then won a game finishing my 7 wins to see:

Ranked up from B5 to B3!

So it seems things have been fixed. Looking forward to finally climb the ladder!

Another jump from B3 to B1 after 7 wins (with a few losses between).

Just de-ranked on a 7w streak on DPS, but it moves at least! ranked up on tank just fine (went 5 medals up), so it seems there is an improvement… my support rank has always been stuck on Bronze 5, no matter how good i did, or if i had a 7W streak or not, will give it a shot again.

Hello i’m sorry but i think i have a problem with my rank …
I’m Plat 1 & i win 28 match & i stay all time P1 i never touch the diam … i can win 7 match with 3 loose i stay P1 i dont understand

I’m just sick of being grandmaster in ow1, started at platinum in ow2, and being in diamond currently and consistently getting matched against masters grandmasters and top 500s, while not being in that rank. Either give me the rank I deserve, or keep me matched against people who are in the rank i’m currently in so I can move up consistently.


Dang, more and more of my friends have stopped playing because of the BS ranking system, I just queue flex (healer obv) and get games every 10 seconds but I’d hate to be the guy that sits there for 5-10 minutes to find a game as tank or dps to get steam rolled because you’re a plat 3-1 in games with gold’s that play like bronzes, to win 7 games to go up one rank to just go down 5 ranks after a few losses. Literally went from plat 3 to gold 4 earlier.

Can’t say I’ll be playing much longer. They seem adamant to kill the game off competitively.

Extremely relatable, every game feels like a 1v5. Literally getting people their first time playing in Plat/gold lobbies throwing for the team. Either people are extremely under performing stat - wise or don’t know how to play angles/objectives. Just make every game individual based mmr. In Valorant if you carry and barely lose you hardly if at all lose any elo. Show us teammates and our ranks, this secretive system is so mind numbingly annoying and forces you to grind 7 wins and rage que.

Or just get rid of ranked alltogether and i’ll go back to Valorant or CSGO, you guys can finally be a casual uWu streamer friendly fall guys type game.


Too many people don’t realise that Overwatch was never a serious, skill based game and it’s matchmaking was always trash. Always. The SP gains just don’t match up with what’s going on. I remember in OW1 getting 7 points for a contested win, and losing 25 for a complete stomp of a loss. It was backwards.

In reference to the OP, if you’re winning 6 out of 7 games consistently but then getting bodied 6 out of 7 games consistently you literally have no frame of reference for your own skill, and that’s the matchmakers fault.

All those stats indicate is that you were playing against far worse opponents half the time, and far better opponents the other half.

To anyone reading this thread, and to the OP, I recommend investing in a skill based 1v1 game like Street Fighter 5 or StarCraft 2. If you want progression, fair matchmaking and an absolute contest where the only reason you win is you (and by that same token the only reason you lose is you) then that’s the way forward. I was much happier when I moved away from team games.

I’ve noticed this too. I had just hit gold 1; won i think 6 game sin a row. The first game after I hit gold won, i lost like 13 games in a row. After a few I started looking at my teamates and they were all unranked or bronze ranked. I don’t know how they were being placed in my ranked matches. You can immediately tell the difference.

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My last three tries in Bronze 1 were 7-6, 7-5, 7-4 and stuck in Bronze 1, I still don’t know how this works, for learn what happened here at least,

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My biggest issue with the ranked system is how far they go to hide everything. Career profiles are default to private, no ranks shown before the game starts, things like that. It feels very deliberate since in OW1, with all of the ranks on display in the pregame, 9/10 times everyone in the game was in the same rank, maybe a 1 rank difference every once in awhile but both teams would have a member of a lower rank.
In OW2 this is not the case at all. I stopped playing a couple weeks ago because I noticed that I’m almost never in a lobby of people with similar rank. Every single game (at least when there’s enough public profiles) had people ranging from Gold 4 to Masters 4 in it, creating wildly inconsistent matches. (I’m Diamond 1) It was very rare for me to be in a game where everyone was Diamond. Every other game I’ve played with a ranked/competitive mode creates lobbies by pitting players of similar rank against each other, and they ALL show the ranks of both teammates and opponents. I can’t think of any reason that hiding ranks of players would help the competitive integrity of the game. It’s only purpose seems to be hiding the wildly lopsided games the matchmaker creates.


I just now completed next row of support role. And i had from Gold 5 to Gold 5, this is complete ridiculous. My hard work just ignored? Or every 5 tier is bug?

This same thing happened to me. Didn’t even demote me to B5, got to my 7 wins and it showed me as B5 going to B2. (As a currently silver rank)

Working as intended right blizz?

I just won 14 games (so 7 ,2 times).
I was Gold 4 first time then, I won 7 games : Gold 4 again …
Well OK, i won 7 more games : Gold 4 again …

Tell me it’s broken without telling me it’s broken.

I just spend 3 hours for nothing … This is just unbelivable.
Blizzard please fix it !


I finished tank and dps and got bronze 5 in both even though I had 7 W whit 4 L

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Overwatch 2 comp is even more worse than OW1. Each game is either you’re placed with way lower skilled teamates than the other other team, or the other team has way higher skill than you’re team. the skill gap is INSANELY HUGE (1000-2000 SR). I have a game, where it’s obviously new players on my team, like a hog that cannot even tell there is a Sym turret killing him for 10 seconds behind him, vs VERY skilled players (insane tracer soljorn soldier ). And then I have a game when I can do whatever, it’s already won. I used to be plat on multiple accounts, im playing since the release 2016, and I get placed in silver … and when I DARE to get to gold, im placed with insane pro league players.the skill difference from one game to another is unbeleable. (over 90 % of the game). I would say, on average, over thousands of games in OW2 already (YES THOUSANDS), 1 FAIR game every 9 bad games.
Anyway, that is my experience … I hope they improve the matchmaking.


Same here i get gold/plat enemies and and temates that cant evan compreheand whats is happening around the


Another bump up.

Matchmaking has always been atrocious, but Season 3 is on another level of horrific. 12 subdivisions is just an absurd skill different to allow in any match let alone a competitive match. And the worst part is that the 12 subdivision delta is not even a maximum, subdivision deltas have been show to go as far as 20-24 subdivisions, such as with Golds in Grandmaster lobbies.

There also seems to be many players in this thread experiencing rank adjustment bugs, such as the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Normally, I’d link such competitive issues regarding matchmatching under the megathread as well, but this isn’t even a bug, this was an intentional, tested, and approved Developer change. How such a change ever got greenlit is just unfathomable. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

I concur

I love comp & I know how good or bad I get sometimes. Which I admit, but what bugs me the most is that now there’s 1 tank (if you’re playing role que). The amount of times I’ve seen our ONLY Tank, just rush towards enemies instead of staying with the team. Which in turn gets us killed, cause the enemy team flanks us.

For example, one of my recent games. I’ve called out the enemy dps for picking off our healers goes through our dps’s heads. No one else notices or tries to get them, which results in us not pushing the payload. While I was a sigma trying to get them while holding off the enemy team.

I also noticed every single comp game I play, there’s literally a handful of times my teammates ever talk; Its always me, doing callouts & strats. Which I’m not always good at.

In OW1 I was always between Plat & Gold, which I’m okay with because I know I have the skills to grind it. I understand OW is a team game, & at least in 1 when someone doesn’t coop with the rest. The other 5 can manage, but now since its only 5; One player not cooping can mess it up.

I don’t have a issue with 5 mans, when there is coms and we’re progressing. Its the fact none of my teammates are playing As A TEAM.

This OW2 rank system might have just buried comp for me. I played for 6+ hours btb both in open que & role que. I decided to stop cause I was getting triggered by all of this & had to stop lol.

Also where the hell do I even see my rank, I’ve been trying to find it for an hour & couldn’t find anything. Also from what I’ve gleamed, sr for OW Comp is really bad.
How long will Activision mess this up until they leave OW & blizzard alone?

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