OW2's ranked system is a broken mess

I have been a Plat player. I always felt like I could be Diamond if I actually grinded. And I thought OW2 would be my chance to get to Diamond.

I was placed in silver after my placements which was insulting. After 4-5 sets of placements I ended up at Plat 4.

Yesterday and today there were 2 small updates to OW2 10/20 & 10/21. Whatever you guys did you messed up BAD. I went from Plat 4, winning all my games 6/7 placements with good competition back and forth, to losing 10 games in a row back to back. ALL, EVERY SINGLE ONE was lost the same way.

Which was:
My teammates skill reflected that of bronze players yet they are in a plat game with me and I’m Plat 4…I checked the replays ALL OF THEM. They did EVERYTHING wrong, stand in every wrong place, horrible horrible aim!, and just FEED over and over. Toxic too, no voice, no teamwork or ability to take input like “could you pls switch off doom”. I looked from their perspective. I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES.

I don’t expect anyone to play perfect. We’re suppose to be in Plat (in reference to the games I was playing). BUT THEIR GAME PLAY DOESN’T REFLECT PLAT AT ALL. And what’s worse, my opponents seem to be plat or 2 ranks higher than what they should be, and my teammates are significantly lower. CHECK MY REPLAYS I DARE YOU!

I AM NOT A GRAND MASTER PLAYER, NOT EVEN CLOSE. My only hope of winning the games I lost is to have near perfect aim so my brain dead teammates can just exist and stop feeding. THAT IS 10000000% UNREASONABLE. Because of how unfair the match making is, seeking out cheats seems like an obvious solution to users. I’ve already encountered a few cheaters in my games.

During some of my matches I was able to check some peoples profiles who didn’t have it set to private. In one of my games I can for certain say I was Plat 4 dps and one of the supports was Gold 4. THAT’S A WHOLE RANK DIFFERENCE WHY ARE YOU IN MY GAME!!! And yes! They played super poorly, because they obviously didn’t belong there. And they’re abilities as a player didn’t reflect a Gold 4. THEY ONLY PLAYED MERCY AND DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO SUPER JUMP. I found this out because I calmly asked them in voice, and then explained to them how to do it (because they were with me then they fed instantly and I said “why weren’t you in the air?”), which another teammate agreed in my explanation of the super jump (Shift + Crouch as the meter builds up)… And you let someone that in-experienced somehow get to Gold 4??? IN A PLAT 4 GAME??? WTF!!!

But when I was first placed in OW2 with all my years of experience playing on my old account and a bit on this one I get Silver 4…

I worked hard to climb the ladder. I take every match super seriously and I play them till the end. I’m playing with a goal in mind (which is to get Diamond). I will speak up if we are losing and teammates can’t figure it out. Otherwise I only speak about what’s happening in the match or to defend myself from toxic harassment. These artificial losses are bullcrap! Check my account check my replays on the losses! I was forced to de-rank to gold 1. Update now it’s Gold 2, I won 6, went on another losing streak of 4 games the exact same way as previously described. Carried the 7th game AND I DE-RANK to Gold 2 now. HOW COULD I OF GRINDED AND GOTTEN TO PLAT 4 AND THEN FOR IT TO DROP ME TO GOLD 1, and now further dropped to Gold 2. I’M PLAYING 8-16 HOURS A DAY EVERY DAY, AND EVERY MATCH I AM PLAYING WITH EVERY OUNCE OF SKILL THAT I HAVE IN MY BODY. I’M EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS CONSTANTLY!!! My PC is fine tuned for the best performance I can get: 240hz monitor, 3090 gpu, a nice logitech mouse, fast ram, tuned my nvidia control panel, disabled windows game bar, etc. I have removed every potential issue that could be effecting my in game performance so that I can focus on purely my aim, movement, teamwork, and positioning. I’m trying to paint a picture as to what type of player I am. I’m a serious competitor. I’m not some whinny baby crying whose mad that I’m not GM like my favorite YouTuber. This current ranked match making is completely broken!!!

Your game on a base level is to be competitive. And it’s not. There is absolutely no legitimacy in your ranked mode.

Just to really bring it on home I want you to understand something. All this time that I’ve been playing, I have been dealing with the most disgusting awful toxic people in OW who are also unhappy about losing but they are toxic and and out of control, and they’re bronzes and silvers who have no clue what the hell they are talking about! So not only am I getting harassed, flamed, and yelled at by losers who are completely in the wrong. I also get to lose constantly. Then be further reminded and humiliated that “I suck” by de-ranking twice in a row… I fell like I want to kill myself. I’m serious…I’m getting harassed by strangers and called awful things, I’m losing constantly and it’s completely out of my control, and when I win I de-rank. I have never played any game in my life that has made me feel so bad about myself as OW2 has. Especially because some of the losses were games that went 4-5. That’s so much time to just lose with bronze and silvers, it’s mentally degrading. Because sometimes these noobs show promise and do things right. So I’ll try and play out of my mind to squeeze out that win…just to lose because they stand right out in the open, or the supports are awful and never react to anything and never heal.

I know exactly how good I am as a player. And your game, and your ranked match making, are just gas lighting me and thousands if not perhaps a million others.

I’m writing this because you need to be aware how absolutely terrible your system is. You guys needs to fix this and compensate us SR or ranks or something. I legit have mental anguish from this, and I’m not joking. Please fix this crap, I recommend a fresh new system. No more SR in the background. Or reset everyone’s MMR and SR. Because this is absolutely not working. And your gonna make everyone install cheats just to rank up, because users will always do whatever it takes to succeed.


I have played won 28 games as a tank and lost about 7 games. I have won many times in a row. and im still in bronze 5. I had over 30 kills in every games and over 15k damage.


I cannot agree with you more. I was Gold 5 a few days ago and I legit will not forget when it put me in a match with teammates who were bronze or had no rank versus a team with plat/diamond players like WTF???

The system is rigged and since then, now the matchmaking majority of the time is filled with people who are way above their rank in lobbies and just steam roll. Losing streaks are so damn common and unfun to deal with for many reasons like leavers, throwers, unbalanced enemy team, etc.


This is extremely relatable. Have done 3 sets of placements. in the first 2 i stayed the same rank, gold 3. in the last one i won 7 lost 4 and went down 2 ranks.

i literally dont understand what im doing wrong.


Bronze 5 with 30 kills each game, Thanks Blizzard, you made the worst rank system I have ever seen in a competitive game. OPPS, it’s not competitive. If you do not know how to create a fair rank system, just learn from the League.


Is trash and they know it, but it is better to worry about selling skins at an exorbitant price. The management is a bad joke, but you can’t expect less from activision…

I have been in bronze V since the beginning and I stopped playing with my friends, who have already reached platinum. I’m stuck in s h i t because of these incompetents.

As I write these lines I´m waiting for my 15 minute ban, I prefer that to having to play at 450% with newbies. And if they ban me from the season, I don’t care, in fact because of their broken mmr I’ve already lost it.

It seemed unbelievable, but OW2 has a worse system than the first and unfortunately, although they didn´t do it quite well, there is no longer anyone competent from the old blizzard in charge.

But hey, next week don´t forget your skins, those poor devs needs the money xD


Pretty crazy blizzard won’t comment, I guess they know you aren’t wrong?


i feel this. The ranking put me so low to start. I will NEVER be able to climb out of it. I keep getting paired with people who are really bad and I cant climb out. this is ridiculous. BLIZZARD put everyone in low tiers and only those with 5 stack can climb out. guess i have to wait untill next season. some other game will be out by then so never see you again overwatch 2! yall messed up

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ngl skill differential, if ur playing 8-16 hours a day and not getting better i think ur just bad, simply become a diamond player in terms of skill and u’ll get diamond ez

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Blizzard need to explain to us how this trash ranking system really work. Like, i’m winning 7 in a row multiple time and my rank doesn’t change, how is this logical ? I’m not really enjoying this, this isn’t rewarding at all. I’m not supposed getting angry or frustrated when i’m winning, … in theory


I’m in the exact same scenario, I am a support player i played one season of ow1 and placed 2800 sr, and stayed around plat; i come into ow2 i place low and climb all the way to Diamond 5 because i have a pretty good grasp on the game; once i hit diamond it was leavers, new players and ppl who just refuse to cooperate. This issue is extremely major for support players because half the time it doesn’t matter what we do if the enemy has a better tank, or a dps playing dps properly and not shooting the orisa being healed constantly; its just over, Support in this ranking system is so heavily punished, we can heal 20k doesnt matter, we cant get picks and have high damage alongside healing doesnt matter, we can fight off flankers and survive doesnt matter, the tank charges in and tries to 1v5 for no reason, and our dps wanna play junkrat and hanzo into a pharah, this system is horrendous; my games feel fully out of my control, its like i as a support can not reliably get 2-3 picks every fight its unreasonable to expect it, but it feels like if u dont u just lose, but if u do your tank who isnt trying to play line of sight and not die always dies and ur put in a 1v1 verse a tank and like the system is horrible, also the rank system should be stricter significantly, i should not have a gold tank verse a diamond tank. Currently on a huge deranking streak, Fell from diamond to gold, so my accounts elo is essentially ruined and im not saying im a perfect player, but the disparity between the teams is extremely jarring and its not even a competitive shooter it might aswell be a COD lobby with the amount of inorganization and ppl wanted to run and try and kill everyone its ridiculous.


Overwatch could be doing the same system as pokemon go, it will match you up with players purposely to lose every 4 or 5 wins in a row. They do this to keep you playing and grinding. There is more of a reason why the hide everyone’s rank and set profiles to private by default. Blizzard is hiding something big when it comes to ranked play.

Could be so it encourages player to try pve when it’s released once everyone gives up grinding ranks in a broken system.

Let’s all be honest here, no one is looking forward to pve, especially when the rewards are voice lines and weapon charms. Sucks to see a great game sell out like how wow did.


I too have fallen victim to the rank disparity. After placing bronze 3 and climbing my way to Platinum 3, I have proof on multiple accounts of severe rank disparity such as a BRONZE 2 being in my PLAT 3 game, as well as another game where I noticed someone was doing exceptionally poorly on their role to which I respectfully asked them what their ranked was. Their reply was as followed: “Im brand new to the game, ive played for maybe a couple hours max.” (Yes, im checking their accounts, yes, its true) This type of system whether is be intentional or not is absolutely unacceptable and even moreso, UNPLAYABLE. You’d think after all this time, Blizzard would want to make their community happy by doing something right but it just. doesnt. happen… I can’t wait to see how long it takes them to fix this one because God knows it wont be fixed by next patch. Or the next one.


In my rank up as support i won 7 games and Lost 4, i went from Gold 3 to Gold 5 as support. I was plat in ow1, you May Say: you Need to relearn the game. Ok man, maybe. Then i turn on my Twitch and saw a newbie that is trying ranked for the very First Time. She was playing Lucio at dorado , in Attack She sat on the back of the cart and Just was there all the round all the time afk with the heals up, shooting time to time, She won. I thought, well maybe She Is trolling or She Is at bronze 5, in another match She did the same and Lost for few inches, She said " i don’t know, i really could not do more". Did you know in what ranked She got? Silver 1, so basically for the system right now i’m 1 step away from this bad gameplay? How Is that even a thing? I unironically have seen way Better players in ow1’s Bottom 500 gameplay review videos.

Alslo the quality of matches are Always bad, you dominate or get dominated, nothing in the middle.
As tank i had a match were i was constantly killing their supports, so enemy had no heal, and then i Always had denied enemy’s DPS ults, killing them or absorbing their ult. We Lost with their DPS doing 20000 damage and our DPS with 8000 each. I watched the replay and clearly they were bronze DPS playing ant Gold 2, they could not kill the enemy while they were healed and the enemy had no heal. How can you even win that?


Blizzard only replies to female employees they want to take advantage of


My friend literally won 7 games in a row this morning after his previous rank adjustment, meaning he has zero losses between the two ranks adjustments. He deranked from silver 1 to 2, DPS role. Spectated half of his games since i was in vc with him and played in some of the matches he won, he got potgs and overall had low deaths/highest kills of the whole lobby consistently sniping and punishing their support and dps and using his ult well, not failing to take out many enemies with them everytime.
What does it take to get out of literally silver? Its not like its a huge rank it’s literally almost the bottom of the barrel where newbies who can barely aim and feed themselves often should be and yet when winning all games in a row and basically performing the best the game decides you should be even lower. Completely stupid and illogical


Same for me, former plat in support, ranked in silver 1 the first week, got plat 4 yesterday after a serie of 10 win in a row. Today i’m already at 8 losses in a row ( 2 with leaver…), by curiosity i asked both team their rank : one told me diamond 3 the other silver 1 and one in my team (who wasn’t on private career) was gold 4…
So now what the **** is happening ?
What is wrong with the matchmaking ? I can’t get a fair match sometimes.


Bro I feel you on this.
Freaking new players get on gold, and me an former dia gets ranked in freaking bronze 5?!?! I can’t even get ranked up anymore I’m stuck on bronze 1 while I work my booty off but get a bad freaking team that can’t do anything. I got the same freaking rank 4 times now I’m sick of this, like come on man I already got mental issues but this is literally gonna kill me


Yeah ranking is crap, i was gold 1, and next day i was bronze 5 out of nowhere …

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In my opinion, they would be better off reverting to OW1 comp style with SR/MMR instead of the win 7 games thing because I used to be a plat player and I placed bronze 5 this season since then I have won 20+ games in a row and I’m only at silver 3, at least with the OW1 comp system it felt meaningful seeing the SR number go up as you win games. It’s a horrible system that needs urgent attention from blizzard as competitive is the main thing that holds a lot of their playerbase