OW2 Xbox Crashs

Hey is someone here who has the same issue?

If a Match starts my Xbox Chrashed. 2 of 3 Times actually. (xbox series x) Xbox reports after reboot it has a Temperature issue.

Update: Now it crash if a Match end too.


Not necessarily a crashing issue, but I just lose all input on my controller every 1 out of 3 games. Have to literally turn my xbox on and off again just to do anything.

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I am having this same issue. Has crashed my xbox series x 4 times now.

Willing to provide any info / debugging information required or requested.


Yeah, it been happening to me every time I join a game.


i’m unable to get into matches either on Series X. overheats and Crashes my console 2/2 times so far. Even going between performance and resolution mode, doesn’t matter
Update: i was able to play 2 matches out of 7 tries in total.

QA need to do a better job testing on lower spec devkits and using that as a baseline.


then make a separate thread please :stuck_out_tongue:

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It is just doing this to me now, i played like 4 games after that it stated to crash. 3 times now when waiting in queue for 10 mins or longer. I am also on a xbox series x. When i turn console back on it says due to overheating issues but my xbox is not warm at all and i am able to play any other game just fine


I am having the exact same issue, haven’t even gotten to experience a game of it yet. Every time it goes to load me into the game it completely crashes my Xbox Series X and pops up with a temperature warning once I turn it back on. Pretty sad as I was so keen to have at least 1 game of OW2 :frowning:


My series x has also crashed 2/2 times tried. I can get into training no problem, but the second I get placed into a match my whole system crashes. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


The OW2 Beta is force crashing my Xbox Series X due to overheating too. This has never happened playing any other game and my console is very well ventilated. This has happened twice after about 20-30 minutes of playtime.


Im having the same problem but only if i play with 2 or more people


Yup, every time a game has started, it crashes on me. Then i boot up my Xbox to tell me to keep it well ventilated to prevent it from overheating


My Xbox series x crashes every third game. Upon restart I get the overheating warning, but my Xbox is not hot. Very Frustrating!!


Just reporting in that I am experiencing the exact same issue as described here.

Xbox Series X. As soon as the game attempts to load a map the console closes abruptly and when I turn it back on I get a ventilation warning message.

My console is very well ventilated and it isn’t even warm…

Hope that this can be fixed. Was looking forward to the Beta :frowning:


I tried to add this to the official OW2 Bug forums:

( Latest Beta Bug Reports topics - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com))

But for some reason I am unable to start a new topic. Hopefully this issue gets some attention and is resolved shortly.


If you have a wire, use that. Should stop it from happening.


We’re all experiencing crashes when loading into a game on the OW2 beta. I have found a workaround that has worked for me 10/10 times, but it requires you to pay attention. When loading into a game, you NEED to have your quick menu open. Wait until the map loading is over (meaning you are loaded into the game) to close the quick menu just to be safe. As long as you pay attention and have your quick menu open, it shouldn’t crash. This is how I’ve been playing the beta. GOOD LUCKKK!!!


wwoooww so far this worked for one of my matches XD

Had a this same problem last night. But “crash” is an understatement. it was powering off my xbox.

Are you on playing on Series X?
Also, were you grouped with a friend while playing?

I played 5 games solo and it never happened. Only happened when grouped.

For me its:

  • Yes
  • No, only playing solo, tried Unranked + custom games