OW2 will be 132 role queue!

Nothing is confirmed thankfully! The game was much more difficult without a second tank imo when we had that on the experimental card.

Personally, I still think that 232 would be more balanced for everyone. Shields would go down a little bit faster, but tank characters as a whole would still be crucial. Fights also wouldn’t be over in the blink of an eye.


lol, can i get the timestamp on the 450hp 76?

It could just be open queue

I agree Magy. I love playing Orisa myself and I never thought that a hero was boring was a legitimate reason for them to fundamentally change them. If people think a tank hero is boring… don’t play them? :confused: I got into the tank role because I like a lot of the heroes, and I admit I’m disappointed with how the developers are treating it now for the future of the game.

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I sincerely hope that they don’t go 1-3-2 for OW2. They certainly could. And I think that you are right that they’ve dropped a lot of hints that they are at least considering it. But I think it’s a mistake.

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I’m thinking more like 1-2-2.

But these role passives are the type of thing they would need to do, to enable 1 Tank per team.

I.e. Tanks don’t get CCed to oblivion, Healers can survive without constant tank protection

1-3-2 just has too many DPS for a single tank to keep up with, and healers would be dogpiled by flankers.

I strongly agree with 2-3-2, but the developers have already all-but-confirmed they won’t do it. It’s better for the game, though, because it preserves tank-tank interactions in a way that 1-2-2 or 1-3-2 doesn’t while also making life a little bit less frustrating for DPS who feel like they don’t have the damage to bust through defenses.

1-3-2 wasn’t well-received before. I’m not sure that much has changed on that front, unless solely by further exodus of tank/support players who had a low opinion of the format. 1-2-2 might be better received than 1-3-2 on the tank/support side but I’m not sure how much players will like a 5-player-team dynamic.

1-2-2 or 1-3-2, either way, would pretty much deter me from PvP. I like the larger team, and I like the ability to create interesting synergy combos with Tanks.

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Please don’t even joke about 1-3-2. It was consistently terrible. It was just deathmatch 2.0. If you like that, please go play Valorant or practically any other shooter and stay away from Overwatch.

DPS have plenty of ability to burst through defenses in the game as it exists now. Just because people are idiots who suck at the game and don’t know how to target focus doesn’t mean we need more damage in the game. We shouldn’t fundamentally change the game to accommodate these people.


It actually looks like they’re changing it to 1-2-2, which means tanks will take less damage from having one less player.

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I personally would dislike the 5 player team format even just from the fact that it would cause me to have to leave friends behind more often. When my friends and I play, we already find ourselves with a full group, let alone taking a slot away!

Yes there developers have stated that the engine isn’t made to support 14 players. I’m just hoping that they look into it as they continue forth in development of the new engine!

Please keep in mind everyone that what we saw is a work in progress! There is a chance that they haven’t ironed out the engine for 12 heroes yet!


Yeah, why Tank is so underpopulated that Diamonds are in T500 games is totally not important :blush:

change your title to 1-3-2

Not sure zarya is a dps

222 was (and still is) unnecessary

Thousands upon thousands of players are playing non222 games as I type this and as you read this, despite the complete absence of 222

No, they’re adding passive health regen to all of them.

Then they can keep doing that. Most players are in role queue, and that is unlikely to change.

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I…know…that’s literally what I said because OP was saying Zarya was a DPS.

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I think that they won’t go for 1-3-2. They could just do 1-2-2 and get the same result (dps qs shorter and dps more impactful) while also saving money on server power.

thats only pve campain
also about the other stuff, i wouldnt be so sure about it

Zarya is literally better than most DPS.