OW2 QoL Requests?

What do you want to see in the menus, lobbies, arcade, and other parts of OW2 to improve the user experience?

Also, can we finally get a voice line for Hog that talks about GERD?

glhf :vulcan_salute:


From Blizzard’s history… nothing… at… all…


Forums, clans, etc etc


PvE talents in PvP? I think it would be fun for Brig to have Rein’s shield lol.


Moira being able to resurrect


Genji’s skins’ particle affects are the same color as the skin theme.


A notification that you are being healed and your healer hp, like Mercy, but with all the supports


A skull on top of hacked enemies


my list has remained mostly unchanged for 3 years now QOL changes (non-character specific) #6 - MOST have gone through so far!

havent updated in a long time (that first one has since been implemented)…but i think QPC should be moved to front page to free up arcade slot…it doesnt belong there anyway


The random victory pose/highlight intro option should be random from a list the player selects.


overall i want the backround change and stop with show those single hero with his noises.
What i do want to see in the lobby. is depens .
if im enter the pvp world i want the background to ‘replay’ my moves in the backround , like pick the most strong move i did and show it in slow mostion.
if im gona play pve i want th e back ground to play the last chaptar i play in ‘lore’ style. i just want the background to be a live and not boring and too close to heros face. we can move on from it.

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Imagine if the PvE menu was like the ones in Lego games.

We would spawn in as one of the OW heroes. The menus could be the tables in Gibraltar which we walk upto & interact with. We could also explore the map if we wanted to, it could also double up as a revamped training range.

I’m not counting on it happening, but it’d be a cool feature.


random skins?

Being able to replace Lucio’s crossfade music with your own

Being able to spectate friends in Quickplay (maybe only POV so that there is no ghosting)

Being able to shove your HUD around and change the size of each part (I’d like to have a bigger health bar and a smaller ult charge meter for example)

(okay it’s not QoL but I want it) Adding props to custom games

Going straight from baby dva into mech without the blackfade when entering.

Clans / Guilds (Overwatch teams?)

getting seasonal lootboxes from tank/support queue when a lootbox is a reward

Being able to select the preferred game mode in QP and Comp (2cp, koth, hybrid, payload, push, …)

See the character my team mates are currently hovering on before selecting them

Being able to shorten / lengthen preparation times when both sides agree

Give up a match when at least 5 people agree

Sort sprays and avatars per game, hero, colour, …

Jeff Kaplan giving me a hug

Using avatars outside of overwatch (Blizzard Launcher Avatars and maaaaaybe custom avatars with mod approval like Xbox Avatars)

Seeing stats of each player after match

Seeing who did how much damage in % to me when I get killed (like I have 200hp, get killed, got 75%, 150 damage from dva and 25% 50 damage from McCree)

Showing Skins in character select screen of team mates and when looking at the scoreboard

Showing the avatar of the enemy player in the killcam


Tank Mei and make her playable again
Fix Hanzo arrows registration hitboxes
Make Brig an actuall off support or a main healer, not both
Give Sym a new gun and make her a support or straight up buff her as a dps so she’s viable
Rework Bastion and Reaper and make them more useful but less of a pubstomp in low ranks
Make Sombra an actual assassin with actual damage and mobility like Tracer and tune down her hack tool
Orisa, Dva and Sigma buffs
Mostly hero reworks and changes to make them better.

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maybe a icon on sigma’s crosshair that shows how much shield you are going to be getting from kinetic grasp. kinda like the zarya charge meter and the doomfist slam damage.

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Hanzo has the smallest projectiles in the game.

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  • Being able to resume the menu from where it left. Would help with tweaking crosshairs by not being forced to find & click the hero name again each time for a change.

  • Having multiple crosshairs for each hero. Some work better for certain maps,skins.

  • Reducing the healing,shielding praticle effects.

  • More enemy outline colors like black & white.

  • Numbers for constrast,brightness,gamma values

  • Different changeable nonscoped & scoped reticles for certain heroes.

  • Moveable,scalable ability UI icons.

  • Toggle Damage hit numbers.

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That’s a good joke XD
Hanzo and Mercy have biggest projectiles size in the game, there’s a reason why Hanzo is also considered best projectile hero too.

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Sooo much this!!
Everytime I use random it always goes for the one highlight for the character I dont like.

Example: Pharah’s basketball highlight :weary:


removal of railings pls and ty :relieved::v: