OW2 PVE Is going to be episodal!

:joy::joy::joy::joy:They quit hiding their agenda months ago :joy::joy::joy::joy:

PVE content will be sold in episodes basis so instead of paying 70 dollars for a full game you will now pay 150 dollars for a game over 2 years to finish the full story.


Garuntee they will go FOMO heavily on the PVE content so they can milk shills for every cent they have.

Sad part is thats it’s gonna work, you see how many people sold their souls for that 20 dollar kiriko skin (for those that dont know that was the monetization test to see if PVE can turn bigger profits)


Guess we’ll all be waiting for that “Game of the Year” edition when we have a full game.

The scummy business practices never end. And why would they? Half the people on here will just pony up the money.

I remember when we flipped over horse armor. If only things were that simple now.


Wait there is ending planned for the story? They dont do it like the usual, never ending thing so they either pack up before any conclusion or making infinite more chapters to make more cash?


No actual sources in the article…

How do you/they know it will be 150$? How do they know it won’t be ‘buy PvE once, and get all the future updates’?

Just fearmongering at this point


What?? They literally said nothing about the price, they just said it would be released gradually. That’s it


It still happens in some places Wizards of the coast has just had a massive slapdown over trying to change the open license for Dnd.

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How about you make a full game and release it like game developers have been doing forever?

Yeah, I would love to play Majora’s Mask, but only 1 dungeon at a time. The f?


So I guess, when they made WoW, they should not release it until they made all the expansions?

Are you really suggesting that?


This makes no sense. WoW was a fully fleshed out game on release. Most of the vanilla content came on release day, not post release. That’s the point you’re not getting.

I really hope not, because that’s an easy way to kill PvE campaign. Older episodes will have population issues and newer episodes might get population issues as well if less and less people buy each new one.

I hope they sell them all as a lump sum payment. The chart be damned.


I don’t think they’ve fully explained the release schedule, but they have confirmed it’ll be divvied up into chunks and released over time. The size & pricing of those chunks have not been elaborated upon, I believe


Expansion is not the same thing. Half Life 2 had expansions, but the full base game was released. The Sims had multiple expansions,but the full game was released. Diablo, Zelda Breath of the Wild, Fall Out 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, all these games had expansions, but the full base game was released.

This version of “gaming” is nothing other than greed. I’m 36 years old and have been gaming since I was a kid. You put out a full game, I buy game, and the transaction is over. Period.


And how we know it won’t be like that with this PvE?

Who said it will be half of a campaign, and then we need to wait for other half? What if it will be 3 or 4 separate campaigns released one by one?

We do not have official sources on this anywhere. All of this is just speculation and fearmongering.

Then treat it the same here? Full game is PvP. PvE will be bunch of expansions. We don’t know how exactly it will be released… We don’t know anything for sure. Speculating that ‘it will be this way’ is baseless.

THey do release raid tiers over time and the whole pve game is going to be like dungeons and raids

It might go badly but you dont have to freak out yet. It would just take longer if they waited to release it all

If the content is good then it would be great to get one PvE season instead of buying some cosmetic bundle. Maybe the horrid store prices are there to make the battlepass and PvE prices look palatable in comparison.

But the full base game of PVE is something entirely different. If they released a full PVE campaign and then added DLC expansions later, I have no problem.

If you’re gonna release one chapter/mission at a time, that’s corporate greed and it’s “gonna be a hard no for me dawg.” This version of “gaming” is anti consumer and I’m not just gonna eat it and smile. I suggest others follow the same or it only sets precedent.


Then maybe we should wait until we know something more? Like some official info from devs, or actual release instead of just making assumptions that are baseless?

Depends… If they charge for each part released like that? Yeah that would be just dumb… But if they release it in 2 parts, and by buying one you get both? Eeeeh, I can see that working (again depends on the details, and we do not have them).

All I am saying is lets just wait. Unless some one has actual details, from an official source.

Because we care about the players and connecting people, we shall get rid of LAN mode and render internet connection mandatory.
We shall sell you Starcraft II three times to make it available more quickly.
We shall cut all availability to Warcraft III, a well beloved game and force you to buy again the newest “superior” version.

After years and years of not caring, we suddenly feel the urge of releasing a fair product for Overwatch 2. Trust us, this is not going to be a scam.


Innocent until proven guilty…

Even if a serial killer is accused of killing again, you still have to prove that they did again.

So yeah. We should wait and not assume it will be like that.

That particular repented serial killer has been seen getting out of the house a bloody knife in their hand by multiple witnesses, a bunch of fresh corpses in the living room and trying to flee the country.
But sure.

After taking us for fools again and again, Blizzard suddenly changed. Innocent until proven guilty.