OW2 now out of "early access"?

My understanding was that OW2 was in “early access” until the launch of PvE content. With PvE being scrapped, does that mean it’s now out of early access? It may be arguing semantics… just a point I was curious about.


No comment from Blizzard


I doubt we’ll ever get a comment. They’re hoping everyone forgets everything they ever said about early access and PvE.


Well PVE content is coming season 6, but either way the game was never in “early access”. They used that term exactly once in their marketing and then never again.

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So when they said OW2 was in early access, they meant it wasn’t in early access. Thanks for the explanation.

Yep, it was purely a marketing term.

lmao at “early access” from a huge corporation, on a f2p game to add to it, of course that meant absolutely nothing.

I feel like Blizzard’s just been using “early access” to try and shield OW2 from criticism. The same way some people say a game’s “still in Beta”.

Thanks. Blizzard’s marketing team lies and the game isn’t in, nor ever was in, “early access”.

out of early access straight to dead company and dead game

blizzard diff

my question is: where is archives?

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Only events that have new skins that can be sold for a small fortune see the light of day. Archives no longer qualifies.

If it can’t be monetized with skins we won’t see it.

lmao good job! youre doing great