OW2 no longer greedy?

2 whole seasons…Glad to know it takes them being greedy for 2 whole seasons to realize the players didn’t like it.

In season 3 you will earn 1500 free coins along with an extra 500 with premium.

So just like EVERY BP in EVERY F2P game that has BP…its as if OW2 shouldve done this in season 1.


Called it. I said OW2 business model is greedier than anything in the competitive f2p market and they have to be stupid with a massive ego to think overwatch is worth that much more than all the other shooters.

I said the business model would flop and they’d revert to the standard at some point. Nice. Stupid devs.


NONONONO you misunderstood. 2,000 credits, not coins. Those are the legacy credits. Unless it was a typo but I doubt it.


Is it confirmed we’re getting that many coins? I thought it would be a lot less. Also it’s probably better for them to add currency into the battle pass than having to pay the voice actors for voice lines. My guess is that the currency will replace them.

Yep. This is just fun hero base skins, really.

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I thought it was coins

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IF I had to take a guess, not enough players are plopping down 10 bucks for the season passes. The current BP does kind of suck.


" Now, all players can earn up to 1500 credits as free rewards and another 500 credits as premium rewards spread throughout Season 3 Battle Pass"

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Better late than never, right?

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Yes and no. It’s better, especially for new players. but as long as new skins cost 2000 and you can only get 60 coins per week, I think it’s still legitimate to call it greedy. I get 200 coins a week through Microsoft in a lot less time than if I were actually playing the game.
I just don’t understand how the skins cost 2000, while the BP “only” costs 1000 and has a much better price-performance ratio.


Just a quick update-

In Season 3, we’re bringing back Overwatch Credits, which had been previously shown as Legacy Credits and been unearnable in Overwatch 2. Now, all players can earn up to 1500 credits as free rewards and another 500 credits as premium rewards spread throughout Season 3 Battle Pass. We are also adding more uses for your Credits so you can choose from many potential rewards.

Meaning you still can’t the cool stuff they put in the shop. At the very least, it means you can finally get older skins you never obtained in previous events in OW1. Its still terrible, but certainly not as bad as before.


Are they going to make the BP itself purchasable with credits?

Or will it still require real world money to get any more than half the battle passes even for someone who maxes out every weekly quest?

If they were trying be as generous as other FTP games they would put at least 1000 coins (not credits) on the premium battle pass so that if you buy one battle pass and play the game a ton then that’s enough to get future battle passes.


I’d prefer it if credits were awarded on a victory and weren’t tied to the battle pass system but at the same time: cool. I’ll take it gladly.


By reading the article, it seems they will only be awarding legacy credits so no, you shouldnt be able to buy the battle pass or any new store skin, only OW1 skins. So yeah, its slightly better monetization but still not that great.


I hope we can start buying player icons with these since we dont get them from loot boxes anymore :confused: (shouldnt be worth more than 25 coins tho)

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From my understanding they’re giving 1,500 “credits” not coins. These credits will mainly be used to purchase OW1 related cosmetics, not OW2. So essentially they’ve improved the new player experience, if you grind out the battlepass.

theyre doing like the bare minimum here…i wouldnt NOT call it greedy…look no further than heroes still being on BP (as far as we know anyway cause next one wouldnt be til S4)…

as long as the game is f2p than it is still greed based…as that is why you go that route to begin with

its a small move in a positive direction is all


Well, it’s about time.

Don’t be too excited, it’s credits, you still must farm the battlepass and you can only purchase old classic OW1 skins with them.

It’s a good evolution, but not a revolution.

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Yeah,they’re still too stingy to make the BP self refunding like other games.