OW2 live discussion with MrX, Spce, Super and Gator

Role-queue 2.0

Why is Samito always involved in these things? Smh.


Cause he is a trashbag just like Freedo. They both are sketchy creeps in this community. Never liked either of them


Clickbait, and provides a ā€œfoilā€ to discuss against.

But also he does represent a portion of the playerbase. (I.e. Git gud scrubs)


Why are you attacking someoneā€™s personality for not agreeing with them? Really toxic comments about someone you donā€™t knowā€¦


We donā€™t know Samito at this point? Or at least his online personality that he uses online directed at viewers, the game, and the community?

This is a troll comment from you right?

He has done multiple trashbag things in the lastt year or so.


Fair enough, but he makes these otherwise interesting discussions intolerable (for me at least) to listen to. I feel like there are better representations of those views.


Related to a game also doing a persona. Itā€™s not like heā€™s running around with sexual assault allegations. I donā€™t agree with the a lot of he says either but I donā€™t go around saying that heā€™s a creep or whatever, honestly that makes you seem far worse of a person.


Ok child. Go sit down and stop talking to me.

Telling someone to kill themself is not an online person. Going into the forums on stream to be a toxic POS and out people with opinions he doesnā€™t like so his toxic AF community can attack these forum users personally/directly is not an online persona.

As much as I canā€™t stand XQCā€™s behaviorā€¦that was an online persona. Nothing off stream about him (except what got him kicked out of OWL) indicates otherwise.

Even people with absolutely CRAP online personas for content would never do things Samito does unless they are actually like that internally/offline to some extent too.

Get out of here kid


I donā€™t really see how you can even attempt to make yourself out to be older than me in any mental capacity with what you are doing. Definitely no toxicity spotted from you.

telling someone to kill themselves is definitely toxic and he also got fired for it.

Touch some grass mate.


Youā€™re not alone on this one, I saw his name and immediately knew how to avoid it.


Garbage take. You donā€™t personally know if heā€™s even doing a persona and he was even removed from his Florida Mayhem streamer position for his behavior.

And even if it was a damn ā€œpersona,ā€ that doesnā€™t give someone the right to act rude to strangers that arenā€™t in on the ā€œjokeā€


If he was like that all the time, heā€™d be like that in all other content as well. You think he constantly rages for no reason normally? You can literally just watch a couple of seconds of that video and see how different he is talking there compared to his own content. Itā€™s like talking to people who think people who are villains in shows are villains in real lifeā€¦

Everyone who streams are not 100% themselves on stream, most amplify certain aspects of their personality in an exaggerated way for entertainment.

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Welp, I donā€™t have any social media so Iā€™ll wait for the summary.

Sounds like a lot of guess work on your part as opposed to him saying itā€™s a character

Now youā€™re actually comparing real people to actors and show characters? I donā€™t think the punishment I mentioned was the result of a joke.

This doesnā€™t mean you gotta project ā€œvillainā€ vibes to complete strangers.


Dude just stop trying with this person. They arenā€™t worth your time and effort. No shill is.


You donā€™t have to but thatā€™s what he became successful doing?

[quote=ā€œSatchyss-1831, post:37, topic:634989, full:trueā€]
Dude just stop trying with this person. They arenā€™t worth your time and effort. No shill is.
[/quote] Still not toxic btw.

Yeah they just stopped addressing my points so itā€™s all downhill from there.


I mean look how they derailed OPā€™s topic entirely just to defend a scummy individual lol


You literally ignored the part where you can watch him not be the same person as he is on stream and you over he saying that Iā€™m ignoring your point.