"OW2 less strategic and deathmatchy"

Yeah, and then you have to win a team fight without the advantage of cover, unless your strategy is to use cover and win the team fight off the point…

Really you have 4 options for choke’s though usually you see the 5th option.

  1. Pick the defense (slow, not preferred)

  2. Flank (preferred, please inform people they can do this)

  3. Specialized way (Aka Taxi or wall) (glass blade (not cannon) and prone to fail, waste valuable time pulling it off.)

  4. Sacrificial lamb (done correctly with a teammate)

  5. Charging in and give the defenders Ult charge. (Aka feed or throwing)

Bold from you young man.
Asking the community manager himself to “shut up and get out of here”.

My respect :handshake:

Winstons didn’t drop their shields at the choke during Dive meta from what I can remember.

Everyone understands this, what you don’t get is that the reason why every rank plays different is because the lower you go the less people understand the game, less understansing of how to play heroes and overall worse mechanics.

It’s very rare for something to be balanced for OWL and broken in lower level of play. Reaper (50% lifesteal) and Bastion (30% iron clad) are the only two that come to mind. The vast majority of time when something is balanced for OWL, lower ELO players can’t play them because they don’t know what they are doing and then asks for buffs. Prime examples being D.va and Brig.

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This is simply false statement.
The carry potential in OW2 is even lower now because there is more team dependence when the team is smaller.

If you have played TDM in OW (which has even smaller team size) you would know that losing 1 team member means being instantly steamrolled by the other team.


A real community manager would not say

He said, “we hear you, we don’t care” and has the gall to pretend he has our best interests at heart.

He does not represent the community, he represents Blizz. Objectively. The days of unpaid community mods are gone. He literally is a paid Blizz employee.

Like, what even is a community manager? As if we need managed. As if they, blizzard, own the community instead of us gathering to support them. I really think they have the influence dynamic in reverse.


See this statement would work if on the screen on my right I did not have OWL streaming and there were not multiple times per game where the team with the first pick lost. In fact I managed to see, somehow, a fight where one team opened up with a 3k and still lost that fight.

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That is the beauty of it. You can use it it all different ways.
You can use it to push so the close range dps can get in position or you can just babysit bastion while the enemies are trying to get close.

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You wouldn’t have cared if they ignored every other place they receive feedback from and listened to this forum.

And you should unless you think the fight is winnable. TDM fights where players die and start trickling in to “help” their team just feeds free points to the other team.

Thankfully, TDM (and now OW2!) has a visual feedback showing that dying is tracked, so people are more likely to try to die as a team and regroup after being wiped.

What spaces are you talking about?

Youtube? Not looking rosey.
Reddit? Again, not good.

Are there some, like Facebook communities I’m missing?

The problem is they are ignoring just about everyone but the content creators and pros. The divide in this forums represents a very real divide among the full player base. Its not a microcosm.

These forums are starting to feel like irl politics right now. Nobody even has a shared reality anymore.

As for the infamous comment,
Whether they like it or not, that comment was permanently damaging to their image around these parts, and it will take much time and work to recover that image. Although, I don’t think good will is the goal here


This just sumps up the core problem of the game.
Having to die on purpose just to have a chance to win the next fight.

You won’t have to do that if the game was actually allowing for solo carrying.


Every social media, literally every where they post.
R/reddit isn’t much different from bnet but r/competitiveow typically don’t have the same opinions.

That statement is 100% facts. The forum represents a miniscule portion of the entire community and it’s arguably the smallest platform there is. Every forum is going to have trends in what they think is more important.

the competitiveoverwatch reddit has 281k members. the Overwatch reddit has 3.9 million members.

You are being ridiculous to argue about minorities when those numbers are the way they are.

The fact of the matter is that for one reason of the other, Millions upon millions of OW players fled the game. We ought to be looking at what made OW1 launch so special instead of trying to reinvent the very successful wheel. OW2, and all of its philosophical changes, is reinventing the wheel.


Google search Overmatch 2 no one is talking about this game besides those who still are in the community. The hype window for this game should have been capitalized on 6 months ago. No one cares about OW2 anymore besides the people on this forum, the public has seen that it’s the same game with an update and are not stupid. This forum may contain a small portion of the fanbase but its the portion that actually want to see this game be huge and not some marketing ploy for a couple million dollars.


Are you AndyB’s alt account?

Reddit has very mixed reactions to OW2, along YouTube and everywhere else.

To say otherwise is pretty silly.


Do you think that almost 4 million people are active on that reddit? Or did they just join and never leave.

You are forgetting that the current very low playerbase consists of people who like current OW right? The current OW that made most people leave the game. When you say you want the game back that was so special, you are not taking about the game at it’s peak, you are talking about the game after it fell off.

Mixed and overwhelmingly negative are two very different things, the forum being the later.

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Most pedantic thing I’ve read all month.


This is not the flex you think it is. " Game is not popular anymore, so those numbers don’t count"

Correct, and OW2 is a doubling down on the very same balance philosophies that are adverse to launch OW.

Peak, before we perfected aim, comps weren’t hard meta, and counterswaps were powerful. I truly believe we can tone down some heroes to achieve this feel. OW1 is actually quite close, but too far into the instafrag zone in the dps roster.

I’m really not sure you know what you are arguing in favor of at this point, judging by the nonsensical comebacks. Yes, we all agree the game is dying. Yes, the people playing are the ones who toughed out a bad game. What is your point?


Lol it’s definitely skewing on the negative.

For a supposedly new game from a big studio and an “eSport”, it got obliterated on Twitch and was irrelevant.

If you think OW2 is amazing and going in a great direction, then you’re seeing things I’m not.

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