OW2 is the 9th highest-selling game on Steam

https ://store.steampowered.com/charts/topselling/global

Dear shills: thanks for supporting a scam

How is that even possible?

how is a free game a scam


Many games join the chart when they launch, now if it stays there then it means something bu atm that just means in the moment its popular

Yep. Lot of people buying battle pass and PVE packs I guess.


Only 9th? Wait, isn’t it F2P so how are people “buying” it? A game like this should be topping it right now, literally, either way.


Why do you care what other people do to enjoy themselves while gaming.

Get a hobby

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Chart considers all revenue, so battle passes, PVE packs, and coin purchases that go through steam store are counted. Things purchased in game for coins, probably aren’t.


Kinda flawed honestly but whatever. It should be #1 in sales today, not 9th. Disappointing outcome expected.

Its not gonna surpast csgo, nor baulder gate any time soon

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It better not. 20chars

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It’s free to play. It hasn’t “sold” a single copy.

This is taking into account MTX and PVE bundle purchases

That’s only purchases made by people that are playing through steam, which is probably a very small % of players.

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:smirk: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :cold_sweat: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Correction: They just launched on Steam alongside “Overwatch 2’s biggest update yet” with a fresh battlepass and a $15 pack of long-awaited PvE content, and they’re still being outsold by Team Fortress 2 and several games I’ve never heard of. In the eight hours since you’ve posted this, they have already dropped to 20th place, and will be lucky to even be on the chart a few weeks from now.

Don’t get me wrong, Blizzard’s bills are still being paid, but this is definitely not the roaring comeback Blizzard was hoping for.

can’t make anybody happy lol

The thing is, most people still use bnet (I’m guessing). I’m actually really surprised it is even as high on the list as it is.

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Why do you care that I care about what other people do in the privacy of their own rooms? This is my hobby, why don’t YOU get a better hobby?!