Ow2 is casual game

I never knew Valorant had support and tanks, I thought it was pretty much all dps.

They have supports but theyā€™re balanced amazingly, unlike in Overwatch

Sage has resurrect as her ultimate, where Mercy has it on cooldown.

Overwatch was always a casual game and the people that try to make it competitive have ruined it.



20 charecters!

Iā€™d argue that the game was never competitive. The competitive aspect always felt forced.

on someway is true, but now the thing is a lot worse. almost every single match is about hardcounterpicking. especially against the enemy tank.

Yup, OW1 was abused by Bobby Kotick trying to force it to be all about OWL.

OW2 doesnā€™t have to follow that path.

5v5 was actualyl designed to kill off double shield for good and honestly im glad owl is dead

Iā€™ve hit the point that my goal is to beat my counters in tank. Iā€™ve been playing winton into reaper, bastion, and mauga. Itā€™s rough. But Iā€™m over the tank swapping at this point.

But if I feel truly useless Iā€™ll go Dva. The. They counter swap and I go back to winton.

More like 5v5 was designed to make the game more appealing to players from other FPS games, after it became way too defence/synergy focused.

i may not have ow1 stats on this account but ive been playing since the days of ow1 though trolling people behind a orisa barrier thing was fun

No idea how hot this take is, but this game was never very good competatively. In fact, Iā€™d argue most of their attempts to make it more competative after OWL launched are the reason itā€™s become so much less popular. That includes switching to 5v5, which was clearly a way to reduce defenses and speed up the game for competative players, on top of reducing queue times.

This game didnā€™t even launch with a competative mode. Itā€™s been full of counterswapping nonsense since forever, and is filled with ridiculous characters that just donā€™t work in a competative environment. Iā€™ve never understood what people pinning for ā€œcompetativeā€ Overwatch even think theyā€™re playing. Itā€™s as silly as competative Smash Bros players who ignore 75% of the cast and most of the gameā€™s features (Fox only, no items, Final Destination!). Like, youā€™re not trying to play Overwatch, youā€™re trying to play some other game thatā€™s all in your head.

Everything the OP just said is wrong. OW2 is not casual. It is a very difficult game to be good at. OWL is dead because it was created from the top down. The best comp leagues are created from the bottom up, then supported by the developer. F2P is standard for multiplayer nowadays.

I remember times on anubis map with two bastions, two reins and two mercys on defense positions