OW2 is an absolute disaster

Overwatch 2 is an absolute disaster for me. Starting from gameplay.
The issues are:

  1. The game literally became for kids. And I’m not talking about 10-12 y. o. I’m talking about 6-8 y. o. With these cringy voice-lines, skins, etc.
  2. UI changes are awful. The font is wrong for OW, the size of the letters, everything, really.
  3. Everything has a dash, everything has a save. A complete clown fiesta.
  4. Tanks are not tanks, except for the Rein. They are DPS with way more HP.
  5. And yea, about some tanks. OW1 was created 2-2-2 for a reason. There is a lot of interaction for every role with a role-mate. Rein is insanely dependent on the other tank (such as Zarya, Sigma). Something, that can replace him, while he’s out of barrier’s health. Otherwise, he becomes a ult-charging meat for enemies.

I hate everything about OW2. But I love everything about OW1. I didn’t want OW2. At all. And I would like to have an option, for choosing the game between OW1 and OW2 in Battle.net.

I’m done.

P.S. As the other guy said: I paid not for OW2, but for OW1. And I want that back.

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My OW2 experience thus far…

Last night I logged in to the game to give it a try…played 5 games and logged off. Today I gave it another try and this is my assessment.

Day 1 Experience:


  1. The gameplay feels smooth.
  2. The ingame graphics are awesome.


  1. Last night I attempted to log into the game and the Que said there were 30,000 people in front of me. It took me 60-80 Minutes to just log into the game.
  2. The new characters which are introduced to the game are overpowered.
  3. Literally every character I play, without exception seems to have suffered a catastrophic nerf. Last season I was 3200, this time I played 5 games and I couldn’t even come close to winning one. If I managed to make it trough the placements I wouldn’t have even ranked in gold. It was that much of a nerf when compared to the new tank.
  4. In 5 games I played, not 1 person talked other than me.
  5. I attempted to create a group and couldn’t find the button after 10 minutes of searching around. I still have no clue if its even possible to make a group unless the people you’re inviting are on your friends list.

Day 2 Experience:



  1. I examined a couple of characters before the beginning of the game and realized that Reinhardt looked fierce with his Overgrown skin in OW1…in OW2 dude looks like the alien from Loony Toonies.
  2. I qued to log into the game at 5:40. The que said that there were 6000 players in front of me. I managed to log into the game sometime after 8:00…I walked away from the comp at 8 and when I got back at 8:30 I was in…so a que of 2 hours and 20 min to 2 hours and 50 minutes to just log into the game…WTF.
  3. I qued for a comp game…about 25 minutes into the game…1 minute before the end where we were on the verge of victory I get disconnected for roughly 1 second. The best part…I get put back into the QUE behind 700 people to just rejoin Overwatch lmfao…its been 45 minutes now…I am still in que behind 300 people to rejoin Overwatch…so that I can rejoin the comp game…which ended 44 minutes ago.

In Summary: Don’t bother playing…the game is LITERALLY a complete waste of your time. If you’re lucky you can que before heading off to work in the morning and maybe find yourself in game when you get back. If you’re unlucky to suffer one of the errors or 1 second disconnects don’t bother attempting to relog back in because Christmass will come and go, your kids will grow up, your wife will leave you for another man as you grow old and die of old age before you manage to log back in.

I sincerely hope you shut down OW2 and bring back OW1. If not, time to go and buy me something I can actually play.

Oh and I forgot to mention…the game will not let you play unless you get a phone number and connect it to your account…for whatever reason it kept saying that my number was in use even though this is the only account I ever used my number on so I had to go and get my gf’s number just to log into the game -.- and the game removed 40k coins I had on OW1 account and a bunch of the coins used for gold weapons, it also said I couldn’t play certain characters in comp because I lacked some points or whatever…and it wouldn’t let me invite friends to play with because " they were on a different version of OW whatever that means".