[OW2] How to solve Widow/Hanzo

  1. You can’t run away mid shot especially if your being hard followed by a flanker like sombra. If your on the last bullet and you try to snipe you’ll end up dead.
  2. Death isn’t the primary goal it’s taking the space in the first place. If widow doesn’t stay on high ground you don’t give it back to her.
  3. You can’t smg with no bullets by the team you reliad you’ll probably be dead and extremely low on hp to where a light breeze will kill you.

If widow has to give up her positioning completely with virtually no way of getting it back that’s not good for her.

Having to be persistently in the enemy backline is giving up the flankers positioning relative to the objective.

And that’s assuming they could even do that on a consistent basis, which for the most part, they can’t.

Oh, I left off something else I wouldn’t mind trying before we get to removal of “pure” one-shots.
-Change charge to have several steps rather than linear scaling. Step zero is enough to pop a Symm turret 2x head multiplier , step 1 at half charge time goes to 75body/150crit, final step at full charge time is either 120/300 as is today, despite the asymmetry with lower crit mods, or else 150/300 or maybe 145/290, I feel like one-bodying Tracer is something we don’t want.

Other small tweaks that can go along with any of the previous post’s options include raising scope in/out to 0.5s each, adjusting ammo economy, perhaps simply scope shot cost of 7 instead of 5. Throw in a longer reload time if needed.

Flankers don’t care much about the objective anyways that’s the supports job manly.
Also the most important thing is widows dead/pressured/space is taken.

Either way, that sounds like an exceptionally frustrating and boring playstyle.

HotTake: Snipers are strangling Playerbase Growth

Flanking only makes sense as a good counterplay design if there’s something like an 80% chance of killing a solo Sniper with a dedicated counter hero.

I.e. TF2 Spy vs TF2 Sniper

Btw, I’m not ignoring your comments, they just look really indepth and will take some more mental power budget than where I’m are right now.

It seems like actual good feedback.

That just be a standard dva kiriko sombra comp, with a genji for good luck.

Well, there’s a couple issues to consider with that direction. Overwatch is really quite hyper-mobility compared to other shooters, scope flinch has a tendency to vary from being so bad snipers basically can’t shoot back with any consistency under any sort of poke, to flinch not mattering at all, and usually there isn’t much middle ground between those in practice. So at the very least, there’s a lot of fine tuning and per-attack tuning to do, which makes it a tedious process, and I’ve never played a game where flinch didn’t either feel bad regardless of what weapon type I was using, or was largely irrelevant. Your mileage/experience may vary on that last point. So much of the basic shooting in Overwatch is quite varied from typical shooter mix of weapons I really think this would be very time consuming to implement.

The only anti-accuracy mechanic that might work in Overwatch without requiring a crazy amount of fine tuning is giving Widow some dispersion if she isn’t standing still, enough to force her to be a little more vulnerable to make use of the more extreme sight lines optimally.

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I figure that they’d gain more players than they’d lose by making it more “interactive” to counterplay a Sniper. Rather than permanently exiling yourself away from the objective fight, or hiding behind a barrier/wall 90% of the match.

Game is pretty hectic and it’d be unfair if chip damage were to disrupt any Hero so easily.

The sniper concept just needs to be removed.

Hanzo is easier as he could transition into a different technical playstyle. He definitely should be able to snap off zero-animation shots at the apex of a wall.

All good, and it’s probably mostly stuff I’ve posted in some of your other threads anyway. Take your time, I know I’m verbose.

I don’t agree with anyone wanting to nerf or change hanzo or widow at all, but this. This might actually be an interesting idea. Lets say that a fully charged widow shot does 80% of your hp instead of 100%. And for the next 2.5 seconds you take 30% dmg. So, if you don’t have self-sustain or a healer with good reactions, you will die. I still think that it should be an almost certain death, because if not, just play ashe. But by adding the dot you at least give people a chance, and because it is 30% and not the missing 20% you become slightly better at killing tanks, which is nice.

EDIT: Might become too much pressure on supports though.

The way I see it, implementing the DoT change in a good way makes the practical scenarios look like this:
-Isolated DPS players either are near enough to a health pack to survive, or they’re dead and it’s mostly not different from a true one-shot
-Non-isolated DPS keep at least one of their supports busy for a few seconds; not as strong as a true kill, but still some value in that.
-Supports either are forced to spend their own resources to stay alive, or are near enough that the other support can help.
-Tanks either don’t much notice the difference or have a similar experience to DPS in cases where they normally would have been low enough for the crit to finish off.

Since the point is people want room for counterplay anyway, I see “keeping supports busy” as the fair trade-off for losing pure kill power. Definitely might take some fine tuning and iteration to get this to work well though.

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seems like a good idea. Just don’t know if it will make the support community happy. Putting even more pressure might scare the last % away?

For what it’s worth, as someone who isn’t bothered by one-shots and likes to play Widow, I see it like this:
-Only Blizzard potentially has the data to clearly demonstrate whether one-shots are actually driving off players. It’s also possible that extracting that from what data they do collect is tricky or simply ambiguous.
-We know people do complain about one-shots and that it is a frustration factor for players, even if we don’t have proof that it’s causing them to quit the game.
-Short term nerfs that don’t really change the one-shot significantly but might reduce frustration is a way to try and probe the situation in a way that’s quick to implement and thus also easy to revert if necessary.
-If we do something dramatic that reduces constant one-shots, that opens up more headroom in hero kit design to buff them in ways that improve win rates where needed without causing as much frustration to the anti-one-shot group.

Meaning, if we handle big changes well, it ends up being a power redistribution in their kits that could allow net buffs, which might be good compromise to applying simple nerfs vs doing nothing.


yea because snipers can “spam” instant kills since they all have aimbot right?

And yet you basically need to positioning as if almost every shot is going to hit, because of the high risk.

So, I do spend a lot of time playing support. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see “oh look, here’s one more player for me to heal” as that different from how their gameplay looks if it was, for example, Soldier or any other less bursty opponent shooting at their teammate. Other than a Mercy rez, Supports can’t interact with one shots at all.

Since this doesn’t put supports under any more direct threat than they are today, I expect most would have either a neutral or favorable response to the change.

The two worst parts of being Support from my perspective are being under heavy threat since you are a high value target, and usually limited offensive agency compared to other roles, making it at times quite hard to “carry” a match. This change to one-shots wouldn’t make those any worse and technically does give supports more potential resilience to a powerful offensive threat, since for example Kiriko could self-Suzu to stave off a one-shot instead of just being dead.

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Again, you’re saying to balance multiple characters around 2 that are simply doing as they are designed to do in basically every game. If 2 characters are the trouble makers, how does it make sense to nerf multiple others to account for their nerfs, which would lead to having to balance others around those who got nerfed to account for the first two?

I have no interest in seeing a dozen other characters get nerfed because Widow and Hanzo can’t OHK anymore. It’s nonsense to say a sniper shouldn’t OHK non-tanks to the head, and it’s also nonsense to nerf multiple characters into what would likely be a bad spot because the snipers would basically be irrelevant compared to other alternatives.

Nerf Hanzo and Widow like that, there’d be no incentive to aim for the head unless they have high DOT that NEEDS to be out-healed. Not cleansed, healed, and if not, why would I handicap myself as Hanzo when Cassidy or Ashe would be better in basically every way that matters?

Oh my gosh another sniper post when there is no consensus on whether this a problem.

I find snipers to be a natural addition to shooters and I don’t feel worse dying to Widow or Hanzo

These changes are terrible. No I don’t agree on dumpstering these heroes.

Hanzo dies pretty often so obviously players have no trouble taking him out so I don’t know why Hanzo is part of this discussion as a mid-range hero.

I reiterate Hanzo is terrible at long range.

I also disagree with turning widow in a worse version of Ashe.

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