OW2 Heroes need more skins. So let's get some ideas!

Especially Illari, Mauga and Venture are desperate for some new duds. If we wanna keep complaining as we always do, the least we can do is get the creative juices flowing so let’s get some ideas.

  • One of my favorite ideas for a Season theme has been dinosaurs. Give Lifeweaver a Fern skin. His petal would be a bunch of fronds, he’s have a fern for the little swoop in his hair. It’d look better than it sounds, trust me.
  • Scuba Diver Illari - Her hair would look like an anenome and her rifle would look like a shark or a moray eel. Also worth noting, she is the second hero since Genji to have a proper sword, so play with that whydontcha.
  • Air Gunner Mauga - Design Mauga like he’s been built around a World War aircraft. He certainly has the arms for it… and the arms for it. Heck, give him two skins and make them his basic Legendary skins.
  • Search and Rescue Venture - Really simple idea. Give them a firefighter skin or something like that. His getup is baggy enough that it’d be a perfect fit.
  • Imagine Ramattra in an Elvis Presley get up. No seriously. His staff would be a microphone, and imagine his nemesis form covered in sequins and tassels. Imagine the hair!

Alright, now it’s your turn!

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A legally distinct Splatoon skin for venture would be great (but impossible :pensive:) so maybe give them a steampunk style skin.

You’re a he now! You’re a she now! You’re a he! You’re a she! You’re a they now!

Sorry. Couldn’t help it.

price gouger symmetra

manipulation zenyatta

freemium lucio

greed junkrat

straight cash Ashe

and cause you gotta have kirko - FOMO kiriko ultimate bundle

Oi, this ain’t a YouTube comment section. I’m serious. Any ideas for skins?

I’ve been saying since Venture’s reveal that they should do a Gurren Lagann collab.

Venture is Simon. Widow is Yoko. Sigma Lord Genome. Genji as Kamina.

The King returned to life as a multi armed omnic cyborg. Thank you very much.

My brain’s buzzing about the upcoming Egyptian theme. I want a Widowmaker sporting an Egyptian headdress, decked out in lapis lazuli. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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