[OW2] Guess we know Mercy is getting changes

Wow, this is pretty ridiculous.

Kinda sad, all they had to do with the previous beta version of Mercy was

  1. Need to be near the ground to NewSuperJump
  2. Probably disable OldSuperJump
  3. Keep the current “Slow down SuperJump while going up”
  4. Automatically slow down the vertical height gain during a Rez cast.

But this stuff…lol

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I don’t know why Geoff is still the team balance head. Like 6 years with Big mistakes and they still don’t understand how to balance the Game.

Well, it does make a lot of sense to make SuperJump into a fully fledged ability, and not a glitch that gets used by like 5% of Mercy players.

It’s just the AutoSuperJump stuff, was a pretty bizarre way to go about doing it.

And now it’s extremely glitched, so they gotta fix it.

I think Mercy should have the tether range limit while casting Rez removed. I think this infatuation with making everything high risk is showing serious gameplay flaws. There has to be powerful low-risk plays if the conditions are just right.

Or just remove the vertical limit, while keeping the horizontal limit.

But yeah.

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If i had a nickel for every time the devs gave Mercy a glitch by trying to make Superjump more accessible, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s strange that it happened twice.