OW2 f2p was a lie

The game is literally like $15/$20 USD depending on the edition you purchase and they’re quite literally giving free exclusive cosmetics + more to be revealed to people who currently own OW1 before June 23rd.

It’s not that big of a deal.

EDIT: IF you want to see a big paid going to F2P slap in the face-- it was when Destiny 2 moved from paid to F2P just 2 years after launch and the entire first year of content was made free to download/play. That content totaled… about $80-$100? Then it was promptly removed from the game entirely the next year.


At this point I’m just thinking people are looking to complain about something.


ah yeah they paid 8$, big oof


Did they? That was the way the community explained it, but I don’t believe those specific words ever came from the devs themselves. Correct me if I’m wrong.


They devs said the pvp portion of OW2 would be a free update at launch for those who owned OW1. The paid content was supposed to be the pve.

People seem to forget everything said before launch is subject to change, and everything should be taken with a grain of sand. This has been important to remember these days with kickstarter games, early access, overhyped, exclusive content, and whatever else being more prevalent.


It wasn’t a lie. And they never said it would be free to play ONLY to those who own Overwatch 1.
I even posted this a while back where I told the forums this was going to happen, based on what the developer said.

As usual I was right and as usual people do not listen.

Here is the post again:

Had called this a while back. Many times.
People need to start paying attention to the things Blizzards says. As they dont say certain things straight out but in their own PR talk kind of way.


Just another sign you can’t trust a single thing Blizzard dev’s say any more. They will always lie, miss lead and trick their audience into thinking what they want you to think and buying what they are selling.

F2P can work, Pay to play games going free to play however almsot never goes well. Add to that the update pace of OW is so bad I can’t imagine them successfully running OW2 on the “an update every 3-4 months” if it goes back to the old style…

So far we have 3 new hero’s over the last 2 years or so without an update. We were promised something like 5 with OW2, plus a PVE mode and so much more.


Your key words were “SO FAR”, meaning… 3 heroes is not guaranteed to be ALL we’re getting on Early Access launch.

We don’t know everything until we know everything. Don’t cry wolf too soon.


Yeah but your fighting for the “Bare minium” we were promised… and honest realistically the number of hero’s we would of gotten if OW1 just got updated.

They withheld all updates for about 2, two and half years and then give us scraps back. Yet we are told to be happy about it?

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They’ve also gone through a pandemic, dozens of scandals caused by higher ups and poor work environments, terrible management of development because of higher ups, etc…

Everything they’ve confirmed thus far for October 4th is WAY more than we’d ever gotten in 2 years of OW1. Everyone is merely looking at the number of heroes when there’s way more to this release than just a number of heroes.



When blizzard was releasing two heroes a year or whatever it was , they were mainly focused just on designing heroes.

When blizzard stopped releasing heroes and started to work on ow2 in the background, they were not just working on heroes they were working on the ow2 pvp, the pve, heroes, cosmetics, new maps, new game modes, and a bunch of other stuff.
Besides covid, besides the legal issues blizzard was going through, and besides the Microsoft buyout.

They were not just stockpiling heroes in the background without working on anything else.

People complaining about these things get more ridiculous every time.


Why make so many excuses for them?

There’s a difference between excuses and genuine roadblocks.

An excuse is “Well I didn’t make it to work today because I wasn’t feeling good…” a genuine roadblock is “I didn’t make it to work because I got in a car crash.”

They faced genuine roadblocks that harshly affected development. If you don’t want to acknowledge these things and continue to harass and belittle the developers, then you can kindly just shut up and take your entitled self elsewhere.

are they really excuses if they’re valid reasons?

i get it. there’s a lot that’s been done wrong and probably will be done wrong during these months. most of that is from upper management i assume, some could be from decision makers in the OW team. what we experienced could even be at the hands of individual developers/artists/etc… but:

  • working from home when you’re sick from covid, or grieving a covid-related loss
  • trying to work on OW2 when BK is telling you to ditch whatever you’re doing to focus on implementing some flash-in-the-pan mechanic he saw in another game (similar to what an ex-dev described in a tweet)
  • being crunched because of last minufe changes and scrapping months’ worth of work for whatever reason
  • trying to work for a company that has historically covered up for and protected abusers when you’ve got your own experience that would’ve not been taken seriously until very recently

are all very real things that happened and explain in part the radio silence/broken promises.

i know we like to rag on blizzard, they as a coporation deserve it more often than not, but real people, who probably didn’t want to hurt us have been struggling. even the project managers we see in interviews probably aren’t operating out of malice, but… stupidity? unwillingness to disrupt the status quo they have to follow? because even someone like GG has to answer to the person above him. T4 didn’t even want OW2 really, especially not jeff. activision kinda demanded it because that’s the formula they use for COD and we can see how well that’s doing for them.

it’s easy to be angry but i’m thinking about the world we (including the team) have been living in and it’s not an excuse - nothing could ever excuse the drought - but i like to think they’re trying extremely hard to make something good out of a bad situation. whether it’ll work is another story.

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I ended up getting a job years ago and kinda dropped Destiny 2. I finally had time free up last year and I decided to get back into it and grabbed the new dlc that was on sale…I spent an hour trying to figure out why I couldnt get to where I left off.

Turns out the content I bought years ago was effectively removed due to “techinical limitations” of maintaining a product :confused:

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Jeff pretty much spelt out that every owner of OW1 will get OW2 PvP for free back since 2019.

Like… that’s not even a surprise anymore.

Now the release is that OW2 PvP will go F2P, and OW1 owners will receive a Founder’s Pack which includes 2 new Epic skins that look so bad that they’re good.

He did not say that “only” OW1 owners would be getting access to OW2 for free.

I mean… sorry bout your friends but for the most part i wouldn’t think this would matter. Game had been out for so long at that point, youd think theyd already own it. I feel like very, VERY few people were “waiting for 2” to get into overwatch.

Was this free for OW1 comment made before the Microsoft buyout? Because if Microsoft didn’t say that, then its moot, because its a new company, and what was said before does not apply. Microsoft makes its own decisions and does not have to abide by the old decisions.

Now, that is a pure lie right there.

They never said that.
All they said in the 2019 announcement was that if you owned OW1, the player base will not be split for the PvP content.

Not once was the word “free” thrown around for playing OW2, until this announcement of OW2 being Free To Play.