OW2 f2p was a lie

Now, that is a pure lie right there.

They never said that.
All they said in the 2019 announcement was that if you owned OW1, the player base will not be split for the PvP content.

Not once was the word “free” thrown around for playing OW2, until this announcement of OW2 being Free To Play.


The marketing for this game has been a dumpster fire lol

That is actually a good point. I never thought of it that way.
I was assuming f2p was like last moment decision because nobody will be crazy enough to buy the same game twice.

They only said OW1 and OW2 players will play PvP together.

Your friends bought the game using knowledge everyone had at that moment, no one knew for sure if it was going to be f2p or not.

I just hope they transfer all the cosmetics you already own and reset the account level to 0

Given the average Battle Pass price, if they give a free one to founders like many are expecting, then that paired with all the playing time and skins earned by current accounts will more than make up for the game going F2P.


They’re alright, not bad imo

Nah there was some talk of being able to move into OW2 multiplayer if you already have OW1 but I’m guessing F2P was a more recent development.

Or maybe they changed their mind? They did have a change in lead game director.

Or, or, or…things changed because that announcement was 3 years ago and in case you didn’t notice, Microsoft has some power now which may well be what is saving this game and their project lead kind of switched over, too, which definitely had some impact.

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Fall guys did the same, they did a steam sale, even promoted it and then some weeks later announced it’s going f2p lol

(of course they made sure it was over 2 weeks after the sale to announce it too so ppl couldn’t refund)

Fall guys sale 22nd - 25th April

Full Guys F2P announcement - 17th May


What kind of nonsense logic is this? They obviously bought OW1 in anticipation for OW2; that hasn’t changed. They didn’t buy it solely to get access to OW2. What sense would that make for a game that had no ETA?

You had friends buy OW1…so they don’t have to buy OW2…? That makes no sense

You & your friends paid for OW1 and will indeed be getting OW2 (the PvP side) for free.

See Diablo Immortal free-to-play how it’s aggressively monetized? That will happen to Overwatch 2 too. At that point it won’t matter how good you are in free PvP, only how much money you got.

Free is the key element here, because we will pay more, much much more, just to feel above others.

I try enjoy the last moments of Overwatch 1 because once Overwatch 2 releases, I am out, no matter how many skins or battle passes they will provide me for free as founder. I hate this free-to-play predatory gaming they try to implement. Maybe it’s just me, but this is my opinion made publicly because I do not like where passionate game development is going.

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Pretty much nobody is surprised overwatch 2 is f2p. If you bought overwatch 1 you should have enjoyed it as overwatch 1.
Not buying it as a free pass to get overwatch 2 for free

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