Ow2 dps biased?

As much as i like the new reworks it very clear the dps bias that is going into the game

The amount of damage being shown off and even added is ludicrous. (600 potential damage per shot with bastion ult and he gets 3 shots!!!)

I am genuinely worried. With 1 less tank and the obscene damage flying around it looks nothing like Overwatch just a deathmatch.

Also im sorry but i swear the whole point of removing a tank was partially to reduce visual cutter especially for spectators. I watched the show match and had no idea what was happening majority of the time.

There are so many colours and effects going on constantly. Everyone is hacked with colours swirling round them. Zarya bubbles everywhere. Bullets trails. People are purple from ana grenade. Emp and Gravs go off and its like a neon rave, bastion ults raining down explosions knocking people everywhere. Beams and lasers stretching across the map. It looks so messy and cluttered, the opposite of what is supposed to be happening


Can people please stop over-reacting?

“Here’s Bastion’s new ult, it deals 100 dmg a shot…”
Community: “Lame…”

They’re going to use big numbers to build hype, obviously if it’s OP they’ll reduce it…

Can we…just…take a deep breath? :thinking: :upside_down_face:

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Couldn’t care less how comprehensive OW is from a spectator view. As long as it’s great to play.

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The best thing was when Sombra solo melted Rein and Genji annihilated half the team with nano blade.

Looks fun /s


It is very dps bias for OW2 because that is the point, majority are dps players.

Plus, some new visual effects are really misleading and ugly specially when compared to the original versions

I said this and no one seemed to care. She literally blowns up a PRO PLAYER in 1 SECOND just because she EMPS and gets the new 40% damage plus her new passive. Looks super fun fro tanks

/s No one will play tank


With DPS like this, who would ever want to play support?

Bastion now has a rail gun as primary, bouncy bombs as secondary and an AOE to split the enemy team as an ult.

He looks like he has just gone to a main DPS in one move. He is like an Ashe/Mccree but with better abilities.

Oh, plus wasn’t hanzo’s bouncy arrows removed because they were the ultimate cheese way to die and people hated it? But they decide to add them back in for bastion?

I can already see the rage from people (like tracers) dying over and over from random bouncy bombs,


Ow1 is already dps bias. This just takes it to a whole new level of absurdity



You realize the PVP changes are to better sell their Esport right ?

Viewers want DPS gods and that’s what they will get.

This doesn’t look worth it at all for a tank/support player.

I can’t wait to abuse McCree in OW2

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It did look very fun, I’m definitely eager to play Sombra now. But im also looking forward to playing tank&support

these are the first full reworks shown my dude… the Rein changes are incomplete as per their own words so in reality we can’t know how the game will look from these 2 official reworks only

inserting them in current the game will of course mean they look broken but alas even if we consider Rein to be fully reworked, we still haven’t seen a support reworked and balanced for OW2 so… speculation is fine but don’t assume anything just yet

We’ve only seem 2 characters revealed so far we dont know anything else so of thats what you mean then yes

The ult looks really easy to avoid. Dragonstrike is similar, tons of damage but easily avoidable.

it could be. if i was a salesperson and i had 3 different products and customers were buying 1 of my products like hot-cakes while the other ones were full on stock not touched then i be inclined to mass produce that 1 product everyone loves.

The game has me excited to play tank more because it’s addressing the reason I don’t play the role.

I would go the opposite way. If they have a 1-2-2 Role queue and make more people play DPS how long will them queue times be?