[OW2] Current thought on fixing queue times

Imagine what would happen to Support role queues if Supports got stronger headshot modifiers (including characters that can’t currently headshot). With 2.5x damage for characters that currently can headshot and 1.5x on characters that can’t headshot currently.

And then healing a Support player counted for 1.25x Healing. (I.e. The most likely person to peel for a Support is another Support).

And for Mercy make it so she activates her regen passive whenever she heals a teammate that’s missing health. (As well as making “GAJump or SuperJump” be a choice in the options menu.)

Wonder what that would do towards improving Support role usage rates, and queue times.

i mean, it wouldn’t really do much since only 3 supports out of 7 can headshot, and there’s no extra healing modifier

and the queue times won’t move at all. the only way to make it 6+ or something like that then you need to add reworks, buffs/changes (that are good), new support hero, and CHANGE THAT DUMB PASSIVE TO 1 SECOND FOR MERCY AND BRIGITTE

The only way that queues will balance out is if they take a hard look at supports and decide on a direction for them like they did tanks. They are currently trying to put bandages on gut wound and hoping they’ll survive the deeper trauma.

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Well I probably would need to expand the description to include headshots on almost all attacks, even those that currently can’t headshot.

But the ones that can’t currently headshot would get 1.5x, where as the ones that can headshot would get 2.5x.

Well, that’s kinda where I’m going with this.

  • Healbots peeling for other Supports
  • Bloodthirsty tryhards getting big value for aim skill

Since the issue is both

  • Make Support more popular with Support mains
  • Make Support more popular with DPS mains

Oh, and another nice aspect of headshots is that they are hard to aim at range. But much easier at close range. Which makes them ideal for dealing with flankers.

And just in general, people who get butthurt about the idea of Supports not being vulnerable punching bags, would have a hard time getting butthurt if they know their opponent just completely outskilled them on aim.

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Dunno about Brig considering she’s meta right now in Contenders, but for Mercy I’d probably take it a step further, and make it so she activates her regen passive whenever she heals a teammate that’s missing health.

As well as making “GAJump or SuperJump” be a choice in the options menu.

I think making supports more fun for everyone would be better. For tanks, they chose Roadhog. He’s durable, relatively self sufficient, and can take care of issues at multiple ranges. They tried to push all tanks in that direction, and were largely successful. Tanks have a wider appeal now.

For supports, it’s a bit harder as some of the designs would require complete reworks (one of which would have the community screaming). I think way would be to aim everyone toward a Lucio basis (strong utility, ability to multi-task healing and damage, healing not heavily aim dependent). He fits pretty well into the 5v5 model so far, and pushing all supports at least somewhat in this direction would help.

Well DPS mains and Tank mains are pretty similar in OW2.

But the way I see it.

Healbots would enjoy being better at keeping their comrade Support player alive.

Aim junkies would enjoy being able to gun down flankers.

And Mercy mains would enjoy being able to be a near unkillable healbot.

Admit role queue was a mistake and get rid of it. That’s the only way. Nothing Blizzard does is going to make more people want to play the filler role called support.

I have no relevant opinion to offer because I’ll continue to play as long as Lucio is still fun and semi-relevant. I don’t enjoy playing DPS because I suck at every DPS.

Well I would be down to try a Role Limits mode with first-come-first-serve Open Hero Select, and an optional “I get to pick my Role first” Role Queue.

They should totally put that into the Arcade and see if that would be a worthy successor to Role Queue or Open Queue.

I think 1-3-1 would work a lot better than 1-2-2. It doesn’t make mathematical sense to have 2 slots per team filled by the smallest pool of players. And if you make supports less healbot and more like actual supports in other games they would be able to defend themselves more and wouldn’t be such high value targets.

Of course everyone is going to dive a Mercy when she won’t stop pocketing the person you’re trying to kill.

If they were gonna do something like 1-3-1, then it would need to be 1-2-1. Since otherwise 1x Support having to fend off against 3x DPS flankers would just be hell.

That’s why I said the solution is to work supports into actual supports and not just healbots. As long as supports are easy to kill and their only real purpose is to heal they will always be the top priority to kill.

OW is the only game where a supports primary tool is to heal. Other games have a different meaning as to what a support class actually is.

They’d need to be nearly immortal to survive 3v1

Why do you even want supports in the game if you’re gonna just limit it to one. We’ve been pigeonholed into how blizzard wants us to play Overwatch after they coudn’t fix GOATS for the high level players, why do you want to further reduce any player input on team composition, why even have role queue and 122.

Blizzard need to have a long hard look at what they want Overwatch to play like at a foundational level, not just bandaid every issue they come across as they did with GOATS by forcing everyone to play 222, and now 122 because it turns out that their quick solution (That many still tout as a success, despite where we are now) caused even more issues for the game, made people get bored and complain about how ‘stale’ double barrier was (Turns out limiting the amount of variety in your games made people get bored faster)

Overwatch 2 was a good opportunity to wipe the slate clean and rebuild the foundation of the game, but nope, just re-release the old one with one of its many broken parts duct taped together