OW2 crashing to desktop

When I launch the game, it shows “Playing Now” and then immediately after, I am greeted with an error message stating “The application encountered an unrecoverable error. Click ‘OK’ to create a memory dump, then please share it on our support site.” I click “OK” and shows that a memory dump has been created, however, I cannot view/read the dump because it is all in random characters/letters.

ah ok i understand. Unfortunately I don’t get an error code

Seems that was Bruce’s once-a-year forum post requirement… Unfortunate how devs are not interested in helping people with game issues like crashing/not even launching but will be the first to jump on any issue regarding merging progress, watchpoint purchasing issues, or just any issue regarding money.

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Yes, I also think they most likely prefer the people who have invested money in the game

Just curious, did you purchase the watchpoint pack or any upgrades they promoted with OW2? Like watchpoint pack, etc.? I’m curious if our crashing issues have something to do with not paying for anything? I’ve seen numerous friends play OW2 with 0 problems and I can almost 100% say for certain they did not buy any $40 pack to play a FREE game.

No, I didn’t buy the package

Interesting… I will continue to ask around from previous forum posts and reddit posts I made to see if anybody else with our same issues put any money towards the “new” OW2… I will update you…

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ohh ok thanks bro .)

i love how specific this is. except the part where it reminds me of work…

I’ll see if that helps… the moment I’m out of the queue and connected to the server.

so how is it going? i exactly have the same issue… starting the game then it needs some time to get in. while waiting in queue i get a crash without an error but also if im ingame for 1-3 min i get a randomly crash.
Cant play this game at the moment at all :frowning:
On release i could play without any issues

Well After receiving a patch… The game seems to be running VERY WELL… no more Exit to Desktop.

When i open the game it just let me in for 1 to 3 minutes on tutorial and then it just crash with no error message, i tried reinstalling my drivers, scan and repair from battlenet, uninstalling all my razer apps, close programs and deleting the config file and nothing, also it let me wait for a longer time on the queue screen but it still crash

So it appears the new anti-cheat they added, Byfron, is what’s causing numerous issues (like mine with “unrecoverable error”)…

God only knows how long it’ll take them to realize and make a fix to it…


Hey my account has been in a merging que and i haven’t got any of my old stuff back

any news ? having the same problem but mine is like 30-45 seconds

Unless your issue is “unrecoverable error. create memory dump…” there is more than likely a fix for it… Whether that be removing any Razer software, reinstalling the game, scan and repair, disabling fullscreen optimizations, running Overwatch.exe as admin, etc.

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none of them work, at least for me, :frowning:

none of them work sadly :frowning:

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ALMOST A WEEK AND STILL CANT PLAY LMAO! I bought the whole ow2 bundle… xD bite the hand that feeds u xD good job blizzard…