OW2 Beta 3(?) wishlist

My Wishlist:

  1. Beta 3 to come out and exist. (Extra + if it lands on my B-day somewhere, which about a month away)

  2. Fox Girl to be a character that I’ll enjoy playing, while not causing many problems balance-wise early on.

  3. mostly small adjustments to different characters via balance, like small Cassidy nerf in 1 of 2 areas: Gun dmg (left click) or Magnetic Grenade, another small one could be Sombra, buffed speed time of Hack slightly, and one more example of a small one could be Bastion’s Basic Attack buffed in dmg output.

  4. The next Map to be a Push map.

  5. DPS Passive to not be terrible, like what we had in Beta 2.

  6. To showcase difficulties of each character just like OW, just make the difficulties more accurate, or update em when u need to, so like after a mini-rework, or a full-rework, or something. So, like, right now, it says that Moira’s a 2 Star in normal OW, but in actuality, she’s probs the easiest Support to play in normal OW, and probs should’ve been 1 Star, meaning Easy. That’s just to prove my point of that needing updates. Ik Moira got a rework in OW2, so the difficulty is different, surely, but I needed to use Moira from OW to prove my point better.

  7. For these specific Tanks I’ll name at the end, give them a better means of protecting their team. Like, for those Tanks, I do not see any way that they can realistically protect their team when they need to do their job, as Tanks. Like, it could even be a small something like what D.va or Zarya have, just something more meaningful that’ll protect an entire team. The Tanks: Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, Roadhog.

  8. Symmetra to just generally be better overall. She arguably got worse than she was in OW, going into OW2. And she is already terrible in OW, so to make a bad character Even Worse…How does that make any sense? I already did a full-fledge forum response, and I mean, it’s massive as heck, Just Talking About How To Help Sym In Different Ways, mostly. It’ll be the very final response of said forum. Link to my Forum Response: #ReworkSymmetra - #48 by Marcane-11355

  9. I wanna see more things done with Supports overall. Between the 2 Beta experiences we’ve had, they both heavily focused on DPS and Tanks, which is understandable, especially for the Tanks in the game. But, the Supports… Not all the Supports r perfect by any means. I mean, I’d say Zen, Brig and Lucio are perfectly fine, but the other Supports have room to tinker things around a bit. Moira already got a mini-rework, maybe buff her up a bit. Merci is not perfect by any means, doesn’t matter if u see her as Main Healz, like me, or Off Healz, like my little brother. Be it, Buffs or Nerfs, or maybe try out a mini-rework, doesn’t matter. There’s room to improve there, and I’d like to see more done, and if u do more for Supports, my best recommendation is to target the Main Healz, as I feel Zen, Brig and Lucio are just solid and can be left alone.

I’ll leave my list like that. I know, I could’ve made it look perfect by doing #10, but I have already typed enough of a list, personally. I could add more, but I think this will do fine to leave things as is. Don’t hard-criticize my Wishlist, as I don’t judge yours. Good day to you.