OW2 Beta 3(?) wishlist

  • Revert tank nerfs from the start of the beta (as for Doomfist, revert his Power Block completely except for the move speed buff)

  • Increase defenses overall and generally look into giving tanks more ways to directly defend their teammates, not to an absurd extent but something primarily to make supports feel a bit safer around their tanks

  • Buff Reaper somehow, revert his spread OR damage and give him the explosive shells he used in the cinematics as a secondary fire

  • Nerf Sojourn’s mini grav

  • Change Cassidy’s cheese bomb to something more interesting

  • Give the Damage role an actual passive and make the ultimate charge change universal

  • Get rid of the stupid blinking light on Junkrat’s concussive mines

Post yours too.


Buff brig. Repair pack and shield.

Buff reapers movement speed. He needed the dps passive.

Give lucio his sustain back from the original first beta before his nerf.

Give zen his health back. 15 percent discord on tanks only.

As you said nerf soujorns mini grav to reduce its size.

Rework hanzo. Taking away his one shot.

Give dps a passive that isn’t completely trash

Give widow 175 back
Give Sym 100 damage orbs and beam buffs and put tp on cd at the start of a match
Nerf discord
Nerf sleep
Nerf JQ ult duration
Make powerblock better
Bring back Orisas “answer for what you’ve done” line
Bring back old bastion beepboop hello
Nerf Sojourn E


Make projectiles more visible. They’re weirdly less easy to see in ow2, like junk and pharah attacks

Tone down the newer voiceline triggers, Mercy is screaming into my skull the entire round


I just wish it was easier to tell when you’re inside it


better optimization or performance or whatever it is. i just realized after forcing to login to normal ow today my tmp averages below 50C, in ow2 i always sees 70+.

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Lots of great ideas here. The only thing that I can think to add is to give Mercy a toggle for her different GA options. If we can offer flexibility to make things feel good for as many people as possible, let’s do it!

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Turn sym into a supp
Buffs on winston
Buffs on roadhog
Buff bastion ultimate
Nerf souljorn damage
Buffs and reworks on all supps
Give other regions their own servers

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I wish her disruption field was slightly smaller by like .5 or 1 meter. It’s huge and hard to tell when you’re in it like you said, especially when you’re in the middle or very edges.

It’s something wrong with the new engine. I’ve been monitoring my GPU performance and the frame drops/client lockups correspond to sudden drops to 0% GPU utilization. Not driver related, and OW1 doesn’t encounter the same issues with the same settings.

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  • Revert the armor nerfs
  • Revert Moira
  • Buff Sym.
  • Nerf Pharah (Let her do less dmg when she is in air).
  • Buff Brig
  • Buff Dva
  • Nerf Sleep & Nade

Beta 2 has been underwhelming. I’m hoping OB will have massive changes.


These two changes are so good. Been saying them for ages.
Make Brigs rally provide damage resistance?
Give hog his AoE heal
Buff Orisas ult, reduce the damage but let her walk slowly and shoot so it’s not just a beacon to shoot her
Give Torb a passive where he deals double damage against armor
Sym. Just Sym.

Mei freeze but exclude Tanks from it. Don’t care is she’s played in OWL. OWL is a different game from the actual game.

Give back my beta1 widowmaker sfx.
Revert or reduce Zenyatta HP.

Good to know it’s not just me! I hope they get it ironed out before launch

What changed?.

Pretty sure a lot of people complained it.

Show Final Blows/objective time on the scoreboard

Revert the reaper spread nerf is all I’m asking for at this point.

This. Why is this even a thing?

Also this. It’s the only game my pc struggles with and just like you my pc is almost as far from weak as it gets. The fps drops and stuttering are weird.

  • Revert Moira rework (or at least add necrotic orb alongside her damage orb. Reload key would be good since she doesn’t use ammo. Getting rid of damage orb is too much)
  • Buff Sym’s orb damage to at least 110
  • Buff Sym’s beam range
  • The unannounced fox support (which I think will happen soon)
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I really don’t know why Damage Orb needed to be axed for it’s inclusion. Tbh it really should’ve been on Reload all along. I wouldn’t have minded it’s CD being lowered to 10-12, but it’s damage and utility strength is lowered to like 30% or something. Removing Damage Orb just makes Moira feel like a lowly Heal/Weaken Bot to the point where it’s mind-numbing to play her sometimes.