Ow2 battles are so tedious

Even “no limits 5v5” feels like running underwater. Sure millions love this pace and no need to change it, but adding owc no limit in arcade will keep other millions in game



OWC is slow as f*** compared to current OW2. People complain about one widow slowing the game down now, in classic one widow can dominate an entire enemy team. On certain maps you can just run 2 widow and the enemy team won’t make it past the first point since winston dies in 2 headshots anyway

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And hence why they introduced hero limits so the game wasn’t just Widow watch. I mean, it sort of still is in OWC and on Live, but less so than no limits OWC

How fast paced OW2 is depends on who you play. If your hero isnt meta or at least decent, the game is a slog and/or spawn simulator.


The Sombra experience.


and that’s different from launch OW…how?

have you tried playing Zen in classic? how’d you do against an enemy widow/tracer dps combo?

What? OW2 is the slowest it’s ever been. You’ve got tanks will a million HP that are constantly being healed by overtuned supports. That is, if you can even do any damage to them through the obscene amounts of mitigation they have. Remember when Mauga was the best tank in the game for weeks? Nobody could kill anything because of the ridiculous amounts of healing going on, especially self-healing from Mauga himself.

To say OW2 is fast-paced is a bad joke.


I dont expect much other than chaos from OW1 launch. And even there things like Sym having 6 turrets and Mercy having Mass Rez showcase that at least they tried to make every hero feel unique in their own way.

Even with Widow/Cassidy being as broken as they were, other heroes feel potentially strong outside of pro-play and high ranks.

But OW 2 is a game 8 years in the making and should not be as pathetically biased and favoritist as it is right now.

It depends how you define slow. OW2, has small busrsts of action followed by an elongated spawn and regrouping session. OWC on the other hand has a much more sustain drawn out pace/ Slower in the moment but for more actions per minute as a result.


I would actually say it’s both. The game has gotten so much power creep from OW1 that the game is simultaneously “everything dies instantly” and “nothing ever dies” depending on how well your supports pay attention, and what heroes are being played.


these millions, are on this room with us?

You can play OWC quickly. Dive and rush is very much there. Lucio offers insane speed. What tends to happen is that people realize that since death is easy to accomplish compared to now, people can’t be aggressive.

You see this in games like Valorant/CS:GO. You physically cannot press W since dying is so incredibly easy to a person already standing still waiting to attack you with no spread. After enough time people become afraid fo dying because it means they aren’t playing.

With enough sustain people don’t have to be afraid of death so much and play more aggressively psychologically. YOu can be aggressive in OW2 with lots of charaters. OWC you can only be aggressive with very certain characters or combinations.

I dont know, please consult with people around you :slight_smile: and consider talkig to mercy if you have headaches :slight_smile:

The Devs need to give the reduced healing passive to all heroes instead of just dps heroes. It would make it so that every hero is usable against anyone else. This is literally why caut exists in Paladins. In a game like overwatch you have to overcome a ridiculous amount of healing to have any impact. Thats why you end up with burst metas/bruiser metas/CC metas/dive metas. Its all a way to bypass the sustain.