depending on what you define as a rework, she doesn’t necessarily need one to alleviate her problems which legit are caused by devs simply not giving her good enough numbers and devs trashing mechanics that weren’t very problematic in the 1st place.
If we really want to let sym have more independence for her own uptime (because she’s really low on that atm and that’s like 1/2 of her core problems), what’d really extend her range and mobility, i.e. the “must haves” are:
renumber her orbs to be an aimable midranged bursty (but lower fire rate) weapon fire i.e. renumbering them around being faster moving projectiles
making tp have a better cd mechanic like old 3.0 finite tp e.g. (cd starts on placement, but pauses when it reaches halfway until destruction)
making sym herself (not necessarily her team) able to interact with tp sooner after placement
better mobility —> “getting in range” would take less time which is something sym isn’t doing all that well with rn esp post infinite tp cd mechanic implementation.
throw in also better range (and hopefully a better balancing of burst vs sustain too in renumbering of orbs), this would also reduce the time for “getting in range” and in terms of mixing with tp, provide a LOT more options as to how that’d happen (i.e. more positions for self tp’ing to that let sym be in effective range of orbs).
and this further works out even better as it further bypasses the “iT’s lOW SKilL aND oPprESsiVe tO lOW raNkS” the typical “skill elitists” and sym haters usually