OW2 Aim Assist on PC discovered by Kephrii - Very Plausible

As we know he’s a pretty good widow…easily top 100 in the world. 8 inches 200mg. But I agree with him that it feels almost like there’s an aim-assist built in. He was complaining about it and trying to analyze slow motion replays of what was going on for several hours straight yesterday. To prove his point he started using Mccree and started to not aim. Just throw his aim left and right and click and he was headshotting many targets that he had 0 intention of actually hitting / and didn’t aim at. The aim assist doesn’t know what to do and gets stuck almost in between targets–making mouse feel very sluggish especially when there are multiple grouped targets. I’ve felt this in OW1 for the past 4-5 years…there are a couple discord channels which painstakingly try to identify what’s going on from testing electrical wiring/grounding, crosshair color, bios settings, ram timings, etc…all because hitscan is so weird usually on OW. I used to dominate with widow and average 35% scoped crit. I could have easily climbed and have highlight reels, but most days like 99% of the time I can’t even hit a single thing. The aiming just doesn’t feel raw. It just feels like a projectile almost…a delayed projectile. Very hard to describe but someone who has thousands of hours of sniping in Counterstrike and Valorant with 0 issues can tell there’s something very wrong. Let’s get this fixed once and for all.


Aiming has always been weird on OW.

But on OW2 it is terrible to aim. Clunky, no visual and audio feedback and now the weird silent influence.

Like OP, I never had problems with others games. Kovaaks has the best aiming experience smooth and responsive. OW2 does not.


That’s funny. I started suspecting the same thing after playing several games yesterday.


This was before I even knew Kephrii thought of this too. So it’s very plausible that there’s some kind of soft aim assist that’s evident even in PC version of OW2.

This issue seems to magnify when you’re randomly shooting at enemies far away. Since when you’re aiming at enemies further away, you’ll only have to move your mouse cursor slightly. So it’s more likely for soft aim assist to take in effect there.

I’ve noticed I was hitting more unintended shots at the enemies as ana/bap and getting random kills. And I knew that wasn’t coming from my good aim lol.


this just seems very unlikely


Omg finally validation. I’ve been saying it feels like some sort of aim assist since the betas. I came from console to PC so I know exactly what aim assist feels like and how annoying it is to have to fight your controller to aim at what you want instead of what the game thinks you want. To feel that loss of control on PC was really disruptive to my play. It made me not enjoy the betas and its making me not enjoy OW2.


there have been reports that aim smoothing from the controller settings could be effecting PC m+kb.

its hard to say if the positive change i felt after setting it too 0 was real or placebo but its something ppl should look into.


If there is… im so bad even aim assist cant help me aim. So if it dont help, why its threre to behing with.
When i hs something as widow sometimes i need to process how was that possible before moving back to missiing shots on the hog later on.


I don’t know about this theory but I definitely have noticed that my hitscan aim has been worse in OW2 than it was just a week ago.

I could use some of that aim assist… I can’t hit anything.


See i agree with on soilder 76 with this but widow is on point more than ever

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Instantly I noticed something wrong with Ashe since she’s my 2nd dps main

Feels like 70% of my shots are no-regs


for me from 42- 47 to sub 20%. You are not alone. I have 0 control


The weird aim was already a thing in the betas, for me it was especially Zen, it just felt off and shots that should’ve hit just didn’t anymore.


yes. 0 control. 0 predictability. Even when a target isn’t strafing or jumping much it’s like impossible to control your aim/tracking on t hem. It’s the most frustrating feeling ever coming from CS / Valorant.

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feels like i’m trying to use ham hands to control a clunky controller when I aim/track.

Honestly glad it’s not just me having a weird aim experience

im not sophisticated enough to understand whats wrong with aim this time around but I feel it. dont know if its wrong or maybe i need to change my settings different from ow1 but aim feels like doodoo.

Also the sound depth is pure kaka too. you cant tell distance from sound anymore


kheprii is as credible as a pair of dice


Scorbas may have confirmed that OW2 does not use raw input like OW1. It’s introducing mouse smoothing with faster movements.

You can see in the images that Windows and Kovaak’s maintain 1:1 input to output mouse movement, whereas OW2 does not, which must surely be unintended.

We’ll need more testing with different mouse models and various DPI settings to learn more. Here’s the link to the mouse recording software for those who want to help test:


Please do CONFIRM or prove it WRONG. The more attention we generate the faster this gets some kind of reaction from devs.

We know this was ignored in the betas. Question is will it be now live?