[OW2] A possible Future for Supports

Make mercy viable and that solves like 90% of the support queue time problem :rofl: . The rest are fine imo.


Well, the Rez thing is also present in Apex Legends, and Dirty Bomb.
And if anything I’d argue Dirty Bomb was even more similar to 2016 Overwatch than Team Fortress 2.

And the regen is used in Paladins, which is another similar game.

I want to insult you.
On a personal level.


Tbh, making Mercy actually good and releasing a support who’s not on a bp who’s basically Mercy 1.0 would do way more for the support queue times than this would.

I will give you credit for not applying these changes to Mercy though. For everyone else? Ehhh… maybe? The issue with giving supports more damage and less healing is eventually people start wondering why they’d pick support over dps because the support won’t be better at killing than dps but their other aspects aren’t worth it.


K. Whatever I guess.

Like I said above, if people don’t have a particularly good “why” argument for why my idea is bad.

I basically ignore it.

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Well that’s the thing though.

Mercy with

  • Effectively 30% more healing compared to the competition
  • A ranged and mobile rez
  • Room for a brand new E ability that could do almost anything

Would be a fundamentally better hero.

Couldn’t you say the same thing about Tanks in OW2?
Which I think most people would agree, are pretty fun.

Like I think people are way too stuck in this RPG/MOBA concept of Role designs, when Overwatch is and will be more of a Class Based Shooter.

I gave you the why and you brushed it off and brought up rez which effects one character, mercy.

You’re making a thread post about changing the support role in an extremely dramatic way. it looks like you don’t even play support.


Seems like most mercy mains are ok with her super jump as is on live. But for some reason blizzard is at war against hero tech and doom mains are the latest victim.


Well that’s easy though.

How do you make Supports more popular (Generally)

  • More Solo Kill potential
  • More Solo Sustain potential
  • More Solo BigPlay potential

And like I just said above, and a few times above the idea that “Well this doesn’t fit into my RPG concept of what Overwatch should be”.

I’d argue, then maybe Overwatch PVP isn’t for you. And you should look into PVE or some other game.

Since ultimately what those sorts of arguements are making is “Overwatch should have a much smaller playerbase, because less than ~10% of the playerbase might get upset”

The problem is your solution wouldn’t make people play support.

People who want to play a shooter are always going to gravitate towards a more selfish play style.

As long as supports are expected to heal their teammates this will always be the case.

Heroes like Kiriko and Ana are the best solution.

I won’t want every hero to be a DPS. It would literally destroy any semblance of the game.

OW2 isn’t going to dethrone apex or valorant and it shouldn’t try to.


If this was Open Queue balancing, yes, that would be the issue.

The fun part with Role Limits is that you can just make it so that Supports have more overall value than DPS, and just buff them into popularity.

And as long as the game doesn’t hit a “Too much sustain” problem, you can basically just keep buffing Supports until you reach that problem, or some other measurable “too much” problem.

  • More Solo Kill potential

They already have solo kill potential.

  • More Solo Sustain potential

They’re basically backline tanks in OW2. How much sustain do you need from two supports pocketing eachother? Which happened in most games in my experiance in the betas.

  • More Solo BigPlay potential

Now you’re talking. But you’re giving them all the same (boring) stationary rez ability so DPS can pop off. essentially making mercy redundant while not providing anything in return except obvious kit reworks (nerfs) to account for everyone having rez.

Compared to what?

Like here’s some OW1 Stats.

And some OW2 sustained firepower stats.

Support isn’t dps though. They’re…support lol. And there’s fun stuff support do that can’t really but measured. Zen in beta was so much fun with the ping system for example.

I’d say that’s RPG/MOBA thinking, which is wrong.

Overwatch should be a Class Based Shooter.
And they are basically 2/3rds the way there with DPS and Tanks.

And you know why that was? Because all the buffs and changes they made to Tanks going into 5v5, were the type Tank mains had been crusading for all along.

They didn’t like the idea of losing duos, but they love being beefy powerhouses and feeling like actual real Tanks like you’d find in an MMO or MOBA.

Maybe try listening to people actually play Support? Instead of trying to kill off a really rather healthy player-base in favor of imaginary players?


Bro I get flamed enough on dps for not doing enough dmg or getting kills. I don’t want the same thing to happen when I queue support now too :rofl:

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That’s the fun part if everybody does damage, then everybody can compensate for a lack of damage.

Yeah stats can say they do less damage and less eliminations.
There’s an obvious tradeoff with damage and healing but when you say solo kill potential I’m assuming you mean in 1v1 situations that don’t account for hero counters.

Most the support roster has 1v1 potential and counter play already.

Like I said before, you’re just turning the support role into a sub DPS class and using standardization as a crutch for any creative ideas. like idk… more hero choices???


Everybody already can do dmg. Some roles less than others because they have different…roles hehe